Merrily Rang The Bells And They Were Wed!

So, I was away from WordPress and blogging for a couple of weeks. While I missed the cornucopia of posts of my blogger friends, I was actually celebrating one of the most precious occasions of my life, my sister’s wedding.


It’s Me With the Bride 

Well, as my Indian readers know, Indian weddings start a week before the auspicious day and, the celebration continues for another seven days post-wedding. It’s a family get-together in the largest scale where all the relatives from both the bride and groom’s sides join and enjoy to the fullest accompanied by music, dance, delicious cuisines and traditional rituals.


The Bride


The Groom

So, it started with a music session where the bride, bridesmaid and every other woman present use mehndi or henna to make designs on their hands. Mehndi is a paste created from the powdered leaves of henna plants (Lawsonia inermis). A Mehndi artist attended the ceremony and wonderfully made intricate designs on our hands. The arabesque patterns made on the bride’s hands were fascinating.


We, Bengalis, have another ritual where we apply a paste of turmeric and milk to the bride and the groom. According to the Vedic custom, turmeric is considered as a plant representing the sun and, application of the paste symbolizes good luck to the couple. Every single rite and ritual has a meaning of its own and is performed with austerity and tradition.

Of all the customs and rituals of Hindu marriage, perhaps the most important are the Sanskrit mantras (chants) and the Seven Vows (Saptapadi in Sanskrit) taken in front of the sacred fire. On the marriage day itself, in presence of a priest, family, all the relatives and guests, the bride and the groom make seven promises to each other taking seven steps together encircling the sacred fire. All along, they say the ‘mantras’ and asks the Gods and Goddesses to bless them with food, strength, fidelity, progeny, wealth, comfort and health.


Before Taking The Seven Vows

The ritual of applying vermillion or sindoor daan (a symbol of married Hindu women) is then followed. The groom applies the vermillion on the bride’s forehead for the first time chanting the mantra,
यदेतद्धृदयं तव
तदस्तु हृदयं मम ‍।
यदिदं हृदयं मम
तदस्तु हृदयं तव ‍॥
Loosely translated as, “The heart of thine shall be mine, and this heart of mine shall be thine.”



Registering The Marriage Officially


Watching the Fireworks Together 

The bride and groom, after this, exchange the wedding rings and all the guests present, wish them. This ring-exchange ceremony often happens a day before marriage in some families.

Now, at this moment, my sister and brother-in-law are on their honeymoon to Egypt. My sister has promised me to write a guest post for my blog on her trip. So, stay tuned for that.

I’ve missed a lot of posts during the time. I’ll soon catch up with you all. #HappyBlogging


162 responses to “Merrily Rang The Bells And They Were Wed!

  1. What an auspicious occasion this is! truly beautiful. I hope the nose ring is not sore. I missed you and great to have you back Maniparna. I also look forward to seeing your sister’s take on Egypt these days.😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Maniparna
    First of all, you & your sister look gorgeous! Many congratulations and blessings to the new couple!
    It was wonderful to read this post, almost felt like a guest at the wedding 🙂 So much colour, so much vibrancy!
    Eagerly waiting for your sister’s post on Egypt!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for sharing this happy time with us Maniparna – I also would like to send wishes for food, strength, fidelity, progeny, wealth, comfort and health to your sister and brother-in-law. I too look forward to the guest post. The pictures are amazing and you all look very happy and beautiful 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It looks to have been a very special celebration of two lives conjoining, Mani, and the colour and decorations are a pure delight. As far as I know, it is only here in Europe that the Eastern countries celebrate over so many days — Poland being an example. My very best wishes to your sister and brother-in-law, and also, of course, to you too.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Many congrats to your sister.😀 How joyous the wedding ceremony was and how blissfully happy the couple is. Equally intriguing were those wedding traditions that helped create so much wonderful memories to you and your family. 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow 14 days of celebration. That is a long time. I take it it is not all day as people work then? Just curious how people make time for 2 weeks of celebration. You look lovely in the first photo. The Mehndi artist really knows how to impress. Congratulations to the bride and groom. Be well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations to your beautiful sister and her husband …..thanks for sharing this special day with all of us…can’t wait to read about their trip…
    Great pictures it was nice to see them

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Congrats to your family, Mani! What wonderful photos and such a colourful Bengali wedding 🎉🎉 That sounds like a lot of celebrations and a lot of merry-making, celebrating to good times and making it one big memorable moment. Very creative decorations 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Congratulations! I hope I say this right: tumi and tomar didi, Khoob bhalo laagbey! You and your sister, look very beautiful.
    Look forward to the blog on Egypt and the newly weds.
    And if you get sometime, I’d love for you to stop by my blog sometime for some e-interacts. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for sharing your traditions and amazing photographs. You and your sister look radiant, her husband very handsome. The mehndi patterns are beautiful. Congratulations to you and the newlyweds. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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