When The Sky Looks Menacing!

Nephelococcygia is the act of watching and finding shapes in clouds. We all have practised it in our childhood or even as adults. I often do it as it tickles my imagination. Today, as the sky was overcast with dark clouds impregnated with raindrops eager to pour down on the desiccated land below, I managed to catch glimpses from the rooftop! The shape I deciphered was of a crumbling giant. What’s your take?

The menacing, nimbostratus clouds soon brewed lightning and thunderstorms followed by a moderate downpour.

Summer rain! Blissful ethereal drops made the afternoon a memorable one.


72 responses to “When The Sky Looks Menacing!

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  3. Oh my goodness, these are indeed menacing clouds Maniparna, and I can agree, I too cloud watch and as a child would pick out faces and animals in them.. Today our clouds seem more like a constant fog instead of the fluffy ones we used to have..
    Hope the storm soon pasted by.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely pictures, not easy to capture with all its clarity and that is testament to your photography skills and also clearly demonstrates yours your eye for such beauty in the looming danger of nature. Indeed it looks menacing and there is something intriguing and intense about the dark cloud formation thick and deep. The grey is the colour jostling to find its space between the patches of the black and white…
    Always I learn a new word when I land in your place and every post of yours have beautifully crafted words and here it is one more

    Nephelococcygia…though it is tongue twister but all beautiful and good things have a component of difficulty that enhances it beauty and that makes it exclusive. Such cloud formation are overwhelming I will not able to locate the shapes when I get immersed in such deep darkness of menacing clouds acting as barrier to the clear and beautiful sky behind it.
    Have a lovely week ahead Mani.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the various shades and intensity captured, intriguing and soulful wearing various moods. It’s something we have all done as children and didn’t know that it’s called Nephelococcygia.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Very beautiful capture of the nefarious giant coming out in fury! Kalbaisakhi!! I love watching clouds. But the word ‘nephelococcygia’ is quite teeth-threatening! 😉 Was wondering so many c’s are to be pronounced as s or k. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: When The Sky Looks Menacing – The Militant Negro™·

  8. I see a phoenix (garuda, maybe? 🙂 ) in the third picture. i never knew the name for seeing images in clouds, but goodness knows I’ve spent plenty of time doing it. Beautiful photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mindblowing pictures accompanied by your powerful weave of words! You my dear, are a powerhouse of talent! Happy to have learnt something new today, will remember this next time I gaze at the skies:)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Awesome shots Mani! Clouds can mesmerise with their shapes but I have never seen them so clearly threatening. Once I had seen a chariot like cloud in the sky at sunset time, exactly like the one with Krishna at the helm. I have a picture in my album, but not digital.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Those are some great captures. Bravo!
    As a kid, I usually figured out shape of animals amongst the clouds but, the denseness of them here, are making things skeptical of any conclusions. Sad for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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