Ambience Shapes Up The Mood

As a natural process, we are likely to feel and react as the sensory organs command us. Environment, surrounding or the ambience thus influences our moods a lot. Nobody would ever feel as detached as a sage while visiting a spiffy, plush shopping mall. Similarly, the saliva secretion starts as a reflex action while we are in a restaurant.

For me, the resplendent ambience while I’m amidst nature, makes me feel positive and comforts me. The constant buzz of crickets hiding in the bushes, occasional cooing of a dove and the susurration of dry leaves lifting themselves with the sudden light whirls of the wind, make me feel as if there’s no cacophony of concrete outside, no pollution or meaningless destruction in the name of development. The ambience makes me feel the universal and eternal oneness of humanity with Mother Earth.


Winter sun, exuding warmth and charm of its own


Nerves of Nature


Miles to go….


A village house


Treading on the dry leaves.

49 responses to “Ambience Shapes Up The Mood

  1. I agree with you that most such places of nature in their sylvan surroundings far removed from the hustle and bustle of city are at once enriching and enlivening bringing indescribable joy and peace.It cannot be said however of all places as the ambiance though seemingly similar some spots put off for reasons that cannot be pin pointed.
    I am isiting the blog after a long time and will be regular.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree! The nature really stirs something deep within me that nothing else can. Where did you click the pic of the village house from? Very dreamy! 😀


  3. Totally…I notice that as well, I feel more of positive moods and energy whenever close to nature, especially the ocean and the beach 🙂 Beautiful reflection and a great reminder of the importance nature to humans.


  4. We all feel a peaceful sublime connect with nature ….. no wonder she is called “Mother”….. we are, after all, a child in her lap. Loved the pictures and the thought triggered thereof


  5. Nature does take us to peaceful places and lets us speculate on a world before all the noise and concrete. It also brings out the writer in us too of course.


  6. Lovely post Maniparna. When we pay attention to the vastness, beauty, and intricacies of nature, it instills a sense of awe, peace and contentment in the heart and mind. It is not for nothing that they say the best things on earth are free. 🙂 All pictures are good, and the picture of the village house makes me want to go there.


  7. The pictures are mesmerising, Maniparna. The ambience has lot to do with my mood too. A placid lake or a hill top pacifies me , whereas I am distressed by a steady down pour.


  8. I have a photograph so similar to your winter sun… I love taking such pictures of the sun shining through trees. And you are bang on! Natural ambiance connects straight to the soul ❤ Makes it restful.


  9. And what ambience you share Mani.. Nature is my world, and one to which I retreat to find Peace and reconnect.. Many thanks for sharing your wonderful perspective And Yes WE are ONE..

    Love and Blessings to you Mani.. 🙂 xx


  10. Pingback: Ambience: Red Sky | What's (in) the picture?·

  11. Yes nature always calls me whether it is the forest or the ocean. I feel such peace near the ocean. Love your photographs of Nature especially the second photograph which is stunning and I get a sense of peace from it.


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