Durga Puja, Some Best Picks From South Kolkata

I took a festive leave from the blogging world for the 5-day-long Durga Puja celebration. The whole city of Kolkata goes through an incredible makeover for these five days. Every nook and corner of the city shines and sings the hymns of happiness. Every pandal exhibits creativity at its best and the city itself becomes an open-air exhibition of art and architecture. Perhaps, there is no other place in the world that becomes so astoundingly beautiful on the onset of such magnanimous festivity. Durga Puja exudes a sense of peace, harmony, and the triumph of good over evil. Goddess Durga is also regarded as the ultimate incarnation of femininity, the Divine Feminine, Adi ParaShakti.

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As the cerulean sky got scattered with clouds, dancing in a desultory fashion with the golden hue of the setting sun, the evening marked an end to the biggest festival of the Bengalis, Durga Puja. Here is a glimpse of some of the best artistic creations of the city.

Here’s wishing all my friends, fellow bloggers and readers a happy Bijaya Dashami (end of the Puja). May Goddess Durga’s blessings be showered on you. Subho Bijaya.. 🙂

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The Divine Goddess, The Third Eye Symbolizes Ultimate Divinity and Feminine Power

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Ajeya Sanghati Club, Haridebpur

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Naktala Udayan Sangha 2015

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New Alipore Suruchi Sangha

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Singhi Park
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Babubagan, Dhakuria
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Selimpur Pally
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Jodhpur Park

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71 responses to “Durga Puja, Some Best Picks From South Kolkata

  1. Pingback: Durga Puja in Kolkata, 2016, Thoughts and Pictures | Scattered Thoughts·

  2. Thanks for sharing these photographs! I have heard much about the Durga Puja celebrations in Kolkata. I wish to witness the festival myself, someday. 🙂 Till then, these photographs will do!


  3. Beautiful pix! Wish I could ever visit a real Pandal! The ones in Bombay are beautiful enough, but not to the standard of the original in Kolkata.


  4. 5 day’s festive leave wowo.. lucky you.. and beautiful pictures ..what a celebration. .

    Thank you for sharing. ..The sky too looks beautiful nature too was enjoying the festival. .

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Subho Bijoya Maniparna.
    Looking at the pictures, I realize that Durga Pujo in Kolkata is something very different from Pujo in other parts of the country.Strangely I have never been to Kolkata during Pujo. Though in CR Park we had around 7-8 Pujos, but this decor is simply out of the world.


  6. Indeed it becomes the most beautiful place on earth with such colours and with such light, making earth look decked up for the arrival of goddess Durga…Yes, each pandal looks stunningly beautiful and one can see such artistic creations and so much imagination that goes behind each idol…
    One just cannot escape the festivity and fervor that lands in Kolkatta during these ten hands, blogging and all other engagement needs that break to break away and indulge in the such magnanimity of festivity and joy…


    • You have got the essence of the Puja, Nihar…:-D It’s really impossible to keep someone confined at home writing down a blog or something like that. 😛 The crowd is enormous energetic and one can feel life so much during these days…it’s like a dreamland.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, will try to catch up with your posts soon… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can understand, it would be a crime to prison the freedom when the world is decorated and the fervor at its best…the energy level and the color, the music and of course the food we get lost indeed it is a dreamland.

        Never easy to get back to routine after such a wonderful indulgence with goodies of life…


  7. The sky in the final moments of the special Durga Puja festival was an inspiring natural symbol of farewell celebration.
    Maniparna, my favorite photograph was of a beautiful pastel peacock (or pheasant) with intricate lace along edges. You took outstanding photos and I appreciated the beauty you shared with us, my dear. 🙂


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