Parental Support During Exams- How Does It Help?

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Exams are hard on students – many of them do not take care of their health by pulling all-nighters, indulging in unhealthy eating habits, over-dosing on caffeine, and last but not the least, not sleeping well enough. All this can be hard for their parents who watch their kids go through stress while preparing for different entrance exams. Parents themselves cannot appear for the exams for their children, but they can definitely help ease the exam anxieties by offering maximum support. Parental support during any examination is crucial, however, not many parents understand its importance. Having said that, here are some of the ways through which parents can help their child during competitive exams like NEET. Read on to know!

Help Avoid Procrastination

Parents should keep track of their child’s syllabus and assignments without being too obtrusive. They can also ask their kids if they have prepared or read the difficult topics or not. However, this does not mean that they need to ask their child to study constantly while giving up on things they like. Instead, they can encourage children for better preparation. Giving small reminders at times about their NEET preparation is also helpful in avoiding procrastination.

Encourage Healthy Lifestyle and Study Habits

Parents can easily encourage their child to follow a healthy lifestyle and consistent study habits. Improved habits will make them feel better, stay more focused in class and improve their marks while doing their NEET preparation online. A healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet, enough sleep and adequate relaxation time will aid the child’s preparation in innumerable ways.

Offer Emotional Support

Parents must show their love and support at all times – before as well as after the exams. No matter what the outcome is, parents must appreciate their efforts and hard work. Parents should always keep in mind that the dream of a bright future is always precious for the child and, she/he would have left no stone unturned to score well.

Moreover, they need to make children believe that their future does not depend on one particular exam. It is definitely not the end of the world if the rank is not what they had expected. Many children tend to get depressed if they do not score well on the exams. Apparently, students tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to make their parents happy, whether the parents know it or not. Hence, parents should help their child achieve the optimal balance between being too relaxed and being overburdened by the fear of the result.


Keeping the Home Environment Casual

Everyone knows that exams are an essential part of life and need to be handled seriously. This asks for certain rules to be implemented in the house. However, parents are advised to not go overboard with the routine. Students need some relaxation, and endless discussions about studies will make them feel excessively pressurized while believing that there is no escape from this routine. To reduce stress, parents can let their child indulge in activities like listening to music, playing games, or just chatting about the day.

Exams like NEET are tough to crack, which is the reason that they take a heavy toll on the student’s mind and body. Hence, parental support is essential for students which keeps stress at bay. In such times, parents should provide kids with every resource they need to prepare for this highly competitive and tough exam. NEET preparation online can be done easily by downloading digital platforms like Aakash iTutor. This new age platform is loaded with ample course material that is required to ace the examination.

But, at the end of the day, what every parent should remember is not to nag their children. That would only create a temporary gap in the relationship. Guide them, be at their side to ease their stress and anxiety. Our children count on us.

Image Credit: DNA India

11 responses to “Parental Support During Exams- How Does It Help?

  1. The timing is apt for the post as NEET notification for the year will soon be released. Preparing for an exam like NEET requires has many stressful moments, and parental support during that period becomes crucial. Last year my friend’s daughter cleared NEET. She stayed in Kota for two years. My friend also shifted to Kota, so that her daughter had company and she could remain focused. So yes, all the points about keeping track of the child’s syllabus without being too intrusive, offering emotional support and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits are useful advice.


  2. How cool. My sister’s friend was facing a similar dilemma with her son who will be sitting for a major exam sometime early this year! That first paragraph on not sleeping and over dosing on coffee…yea, been It still amazes me how when I was young my body seemed to be able to cope with it all.


  3. Parental support helps a lot to pull through the stress of exams. I remember my exam days when my dad used to pat my back every now and then to show his love and encouragement. It worked as a magic.
    Nice article, Maniparna.


  4. Such an insightful article for parents. So often parents tend to go overboard and put pressure on their children without even realising it. This is a competitive world and most of the childhood goes away in studies. Hence it is so important to keep the morale of children high and light. Great post 👍


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