56 responses to “Life Began

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  2. What beautiful words. Wondering if mindful presence is the bond that links our dreams and our memories. Our future and our past. This bond is continuously strengthened through hope and joy– things that transcend the many daily disconnects along the way.

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  3. I like this piece Mani. And I agree with what Mabel said in her comment – there is a link between dreams and memories. it is difficult to know which comes first… although some of the dreams I have, I hope never come to fruition 😀


  4. I have always had the fascination for the dichotomy in life and the paradox of living our life. The choice of words and words that gives our expression the true power to establish our scattered thoughts and here you have once again done with finesse.

    Dreams vs. Memories, another wonderful contest of words and the deep thought that remains behind it, dreams before memories so beautifully crafted piece of thought, many times we just don’t realize the profoundness in such contest of words and thoughts. Both seems to me as tangibly intangible, the paradox, dreams comes and goes, and as far as memories are concerned they come and stay with us as much we allow to stay with us. The way we interpret our memories and then applying those thoughts deeply seated in our memory bank in putting our thoughts into real action that is what ultimately matters to make our dream come true…

    Yes Mani, somewhere from the chrysalis of dream does the cycle of life commences it basic journey…few words but the choice of words I must say has been brilliantly done to depict that true nugget of little wisdom of life…
    Have a creative weekend in silence of solitude.


  5. Lovely reflections Mani, I love the picture, so sagaciously chosen to symbolise your thoughts…dreams may be fragile but memories make them mammoth and they gleam through our little triumphs, smiling at us to reassure us – keep going, life is beautiful!


  6. Another lovely, meaningful poem from you, Mani. ‘Dreams, I had them before I had memories’ This is my favourite line. I think this can be so true, because it is our dreams in our heads and in our sleep that can drive us to experience the world, and so create memories. But I also agree with your sentiment that dreams are memories and memories are dreams – that they feed off each other. When we make a memory, we also dream of another time when we may experience another happier moment or a moment just as pleasant 🙂

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      • One time at university I took a creative writing subject. As part of that subject I had to write a lot of poems, and my tutor gave me a pass, and I scored the lowest in class, and found it a struggle 😂 I will leave the poetry writing up to you, Mani. You capture feelings with it so well.

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