69 responses to “Life’s Leaf

  1. Aww..well..yes, sometimes life does do that to us but I always try my best to look for the sliver lining even though at times it gives me a neck pain..lol. And yes, I am back..settling into a new chapter of my life 🙂


  2. Mani, this poem mirrors resembles so much of the life we live, we are at the mercy of time and we watch how time comes and goes, we are mute witness to the things changing with time and ultimately we are so insignificant in front of time,so is the leaf in front of wind.
    We are can go here and we can go there, and that is fleeting in nature but finally we have to go merge with nature is the nature of the way the world operates…
    As Balroop mentioned it reminds of the “Last Leaf” by O Henry, and so nicely put by Rajagopal who has seen the wind by Christina Rossetti sums it up so well.
    Always that element of profound thought that makes every poem of yours so special.

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  3. Maniparna, it reminds me of Lao Tzu, who said: “Be like the winds; move with the winds; go wherever they take you. And don’t choose.” In fact, he got enlightened by watching a falling leaf.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a wonderful quote. I really am loving how my blogger friends are interpreting these lines differently. That’s the most valuable gift we receive from blogging…. 🙂

      By the way, I find falling, dry leaves a great source of inspiration 😀 ( hope you didn’t just utter ‘lunatic’)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Not at all. Seneca said that there’s no genius without the tincture of madness. Well, I’ve something for you on Insta 🙂


  4. Wonderfully written as always,you always make nature seem more connected to life than we may think but then there on the screen it becomes obvious. Lovely writing as ever, my friend.


  5. Deft portrayal of a browning leaf pitiably squashed and blown away in a whirlpool of dust. Leaf’s inability to see the wind is akin to life’s uncertainties, occasionally blessing and mostly blighting. Christina Rossetti draws a picture of the invisible visitor in “Who has seen the wind / Neither I nor you: / But when the leaves hang trembling, / The wind is passing through. / Who has seen the wind? / Neither you nor I: / But when the trees bow down their heads, / The wind is passing by”.

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  6. Wow thank you Maniparna. Very powerful poem. It made me laugh/smile and think, all at the same time. 😊😊😊,I hope you are doing great. Blessings, Debbie

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