Hope, Never Say Die

Light of Hope

I love the night, I love the darkness, without it, I would never have been able to see the stars twinkling. When every positivity ceases to exist, when even the last drop of happiness is squeezed out of our heart, it is hope we are clung to. It is that part of our heart where the halo of darkness fails to reach. Yes, I believe darkness has a halo of its own and that is equally stronger to its luminous counterpart.

When we think we have lost everything, we find hope sitting shyly in the deepest core of the mind. And hope, what is that? A bright prospect of pure goodness just around the corner. It’s impalpable, most of the times. But it is there, we know, the aura inspiring us to proceed towards it. It is the driving force of life that keeps us going. It is the collective hidden strength of an individual, the power to sacrifice, and, the force with which she (or he) push herself forward for the betterment.

Hope never leaves us. If hope really abandons us, we will be hollow and lifeless like a dry, yellow twig detached from the mother tree. NEVER give up hope; it may come as a flicker of light, but hold tight the light shining from it before it goes away. The flame of hope is always there, all we need is to rekindle it with our faith. If fulfilling the dreams is the consecration of life, keeping faith in hope is of utmost importance. Never let hope leave you. never let you mind irreparably broken, never let ennui reign your heart.

82 responses to “Hope, Never Say Die

  1. When we think we have lost everything, we find hope sitting shyly in the deepest core of the mind. Exactly . very impressive and appreciative words Maniparna . Inspirational post

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There are days my Hope wanes thin. But always, and I mean always, I get back on that Horse called Faith and JOY. I will not allow the darkness of this world to bring me down. I too enjoy the dark and many a night have stared for a long time at the heavens. One night I actually saw the moon glow PINK standing there with my jaw dropping. Whenever I get discouraged I always think along the lines that without darkness, no light would even exist. Beautiful post, Maniparna. Keep on shining your Bright Light!!! Love, Amy ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I so agree with you!

    “Hope” is the thing with feathers –
    That perches in the soul –
    And sings the tune without the words –
    And never stops – at all –

    And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
    And sore must be the storm –
    That could abash the little Bird
    That kept so many warm –

    I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
    And on the strangest Sea –
    Yet – never – in Extremity,
    It asked a crumb – of me.

    — a poem by Emily Dickinson

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  4. Hope is always more powerful when shared and your writing gives this in abundance. The night always seems to be more powerful for thoughts, dreams and hopes and the next day always seems better as a consequence.

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  5. Very nice elucidatory on hope. Desire or expectation of impending good is the stuff that propels life forward. There is as much hope in nightfall as in daylight, very much like equally melodious music latent in black and white keys on the piano.

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  6. A beautiful and eternal message at the start of the day. Hope is the assuring voice in our mind that tell us that something good awaits us. The hope for a better tomorrow keeps us going and as you have said it is a great motivator that urges us to push ourselves for betterment.

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