Remembering Him


Memories are enmeshed in our existence

Some are bitter, a lot more to cherish.

A whiff of some brings smile to our lips

Very few, we hope, will never perish.

A sudden downpour, drops of rain

An earthen pot, that taste of tea

Mingles with petrichor and that old me.

Memories,  flickering on and off

Like an old lamp with faulty connection

I still remember those deep gaze

Every new day serenades his resurrection.

Shared with Poets United

43 responses to “Remembering Him

  1. “A sudden downpour, drops of rain

    An earthen pot, that taste of tea

    Mingles with petrichor and that old me”——— Ummmm 🙂


  2. Memories are always the best and worst thing.. The normal looking present today, will look so beautiful after 5 days.. I mean the city in which we are living today, seems so normal but in memories, it will look better.. What a dillema


  3. Beautiful Maniparna …. For me “: flickering on and off,Like an old lamp with faulty connection” presented the image of memories flickering ………. this line in juxtaposition with the softer phrases as of- memories, deep gaze ,sudden downpour, earthen pot and petrichor….. did magic for me ..not to forget the beautiful feel of your poem…
    we create these every single minute without realising…. Memories Well Captured Mani 🙂


  4. we really live as long as we are visited by our memories arising out of some taste or smell or any other association…sadly some people are deprived of it….nice lines Maniparna…


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