85 responses to “Unseen Winter

  1. The winter that is all set to leave us, melancholy and we have unbridled emotions that some time gets into a state of conflagration, as much joy it brings with its arrival so much sorrow it attaches to our fragile emotions as we are dreadful to the extremity of the wickedness of weather and summer these days are testing out cool temperament and tenacity is migrated to cold storage.

    Yes, unseen winter, climate change are making us see things that we have normally not seen for years, softly scattered and deeply compelling conjures a wonderful picture as the nature plays hide and seek with the good and bad part of human intervention. The joy of reading continues unabated here the moment I land…
    Thanks Mani!!!

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      • Yes Mani, indeed we do see different shades of the spectrum of the Mother Nature in the heart of cities, it is in the timing, and the only problem is that we don’t get up early and walk the streets or drive the lanes and by-lanes of our city, which occasionally we do in Sundays and we see how beautiful are landscape of cities which gets lost in the clutters of the burgeoning traffics…just imagining that if we had only one season how boring life would have been, we have taken seasons for granted.
        Thanks Mani.


  2. Lovely words to visualize winter, while it’s already on the goodbye path here in our world….:)……btw, was thinking of requesting you, if you will kindly consider doing Guest post on my blog….I couldn’t find a Contact section on your blog, that’s why, requesting here in the comment section……..if you will be interested kindly get back to me at anindyar05@gmail.com …. thanks 🙂

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  3. What a perfect metaphor Mani! Though you have used contradictory words, the effect of ‘Unseen Winter’ is emphatic. ‘The cocoon’ conveys how much is concealed and with great effort. Outstanding! Thanks for sharing such a brilliant work. Just the title conveys a plethora of emotions.

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