42 responses to “Haiku: Sea & She

  1. Mani, the picture is strikingly stunning and the craftily chosen words are as always magical and with such few words you weave the threads of magic in our memory. The black patch of cloud and the stretch of deep blue sea makes the confluence collaboratively celestial. The waves keep coming and they keep coming over ages and there is no count that can captured in our human records, it is to be watched in awe and we keep wondering how that wave keep doing the same thing with out any complaint and the sand keeps welcoming those same waves again and again without getting bored, and does so for innumerable years. When we walk down the memory lanes and when we walk along the shore, there is mystical connection that takes us into a world of its own and here with few words such fabulous picture you have truly touched that lovely chords of ours…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Nihar. You’ve elaborately described not only the picture but also the haiku. It’s a great feeling to read your comment to see how the picture/haiku has ignited the wordsmith in you… 🙂

      By the way, I read and commented on two of your recent posts but couldn’t find my comment on your blog after submitting them. Kindly see whether they landed in your spam folder or is just resting in moderation…. 🙂


  2. Pingback: WPC and the Second Experiment | Lillie-Put·

  3. Beautiful haiku and photo, Mani. Always so much to see at the beach. And maybe also the beach is watching us as we walk by 🙂 I went to the beach today and your photo reminds me of what a great time I had 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Experimental: Passing on the Horizon 2 – What's (in) the picture?·

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