The Exciting World of Different Textures

Texture- we use this word quite often and perhaps, nobody treats this word other than a trivial one. But, have you ever mulled over the fact that everything has a texture of its own. The texture is the very basic scheme or structure of anything under the sun. While I was strolling around the beach of Digha, West Bengal, a month ago, I was astonished by the textural features of the beach. The continuous journey of the waves along with the tides has reflected in a motley of textures on the sand, making it variegated in colours and patterns.

The rocks look different; sometimes they are covered with sand, dry and dusty, and sometimes a sudden splash of waves makes them look rich and sumptuous.

The last picture is of a low, derelict wall which stood alone by the coastline hiding among bushes. The green algae and mosses have artfully decorated it.

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42 responses to “The Exciting World of Different Textures

  1. These are eyes of artistic mind and there are textures on everything around us, it is just that we get diluted in our observation and miss out seeing things from a different point of view. Yes, if we look at the different sea beaches and the landscape around it we can find so much different shades and also the hues of colour that changes during the entire day, and the sunlight plays it part. Waves and rocky waves, and waves on water and on sand, all adds upto a new form of texture…you have so nicely highlighted thorough those pictures.


  2. Waves and rocks present a fascinating, mesmerising sight…often I look at the waves when I am around them and get lost in the way they roll and change color and shape by the time they reach the shore…can we ever get tired of looking at them? I could never figure it out.
    Your images evoke all these emotions Mani…they are so good! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


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