WordPress Photo Challenge: Unusual

Unusuality defines itself in a plethora of ways. The vagaries of unusuality vary from peculiarity to preternaturalness, singularity to deviancy. But, whatever it is, the end-product remains the same; a uniqueness of its kind.

I spotted this assorted foliage decoration on one of my trips to a countryside. Mother Nature has so many wonders up her sleeve!

1-ddd 075

45 responses to “WordPress Photo Challenge: Unusual

  1. Amazing shot, love the simplicity. 💜

    Would you mind checking out my photography blog at ( Rafia Tasneem ).

    Can’t wait to check out more of your posts! 🤗


    – Rafia


  2. True.. if we look there are so many colours.. green purple red orange and so on..all in one..

    Nature is so beautiful we just have to open our eyes..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Unusual: Stairs 4 | What's (in) the picture?·

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