Book Review: Blood in the Paradise- A Tale Of An Impossible Murder By Madhav Mahidhar


Whodunnit thrillers are likely to increase the adrenaline flow. The reader gets glued to the novel desperately wanting to find out the murderer. The name of the perpetrator is revealed at the end and, in most of the times, it’s the most unlikely person who turns out to be the culprit. Blood in the Paradise by Madhav Mahidhar has not followed this conventional way of solving the mystery. As evident from the tagline “A Tale of an Impossible Murder”, it is a murder mystery where the name of the suspected murderer is revealed first and, a back-calculation follows to expose the modus operandi and motive.

Written somewhat in the style of the reputed Japanese author Keigo Higashino, the novel is a pretty decent attempt to tell a different mystery tale.

The story starts with Madhumitha writing in her diary about her decision of committing suicide. A successful corporate woman, a mother of twin girls, a wife- Madhumitha zeroes to her decision as she finds no point in living a life of despair and disgrace; the main reason behind this being her husband, Vikas. Her relationship with him was getting atrophied with each passing day and, hence, she took this fatal decision.

We come to know of Madhumitha’s life through her diary and, eventually feels sorry for her. Tension gains momentum when she consumes potassium cyanide mixed with honey and water. At that crucial point, Vikas enters the room and, she is rushed to the hospital.

After a couple of pages, the readers are shocked to know that it’s Vikas who died at the hospital due to cyanide poisoning and Madhumitha is fighting for her life.

The forensic report reveals, a lethal dose of cyanide was there in the water dispenser from which Vikas drank water. Police pinpointed Madhumitha as the culprit and also convicted her feminist friend Anu for aiding and abetting her.

But there was no proof, absolutely none. And, Madhumitha had the strongest alibi on earth which she produced with her suicidal attempt. Moreover, there was no motive on her part.

The novel elucidates the proceedings of the case, the after-effect, the role of media as the story progresses. Knowing almost for sure who the criminal is, you will not be able to keep the book down!

The language is lucid and simple and, the characters are well-portrayed. Though, I think, the character of Anupriya is a bit over-hyped. The descriptions of the court sessions are tedious at places and some dialogues, in my opinion, are just there to add volume to the book. The presentation could have been spiffier.

But apart from this, Blood in the Paradise was a pretty good read for me. The author, Madhav Mahidhar, has told the story in a way that makes the reader hold the book till the last page. He has also, cleverly, tells the readers what ideal feminism should be; it’s not about hating men, but establishing feminine dexterity in every sphere of life.

Recommended for all who love thrillers/ mystery.

From my side, it’s 3.5/5

I won a review copy from The Tales Pensieve as part of Reviewers Programme. Register on #TTP for lots of #book fun and activities.



56 responses to “Book Review: Blood in the Paradise- A Tale Of An Impossible Murder By Madhav Mahidhar

  1. Nowadays I hardly have the time to read books. Your review on the book was very engaging and throw light on the quality of writing the book contain. I will obviously check out this book next time I hit the bookstore.


  2. This woman is the whole package. Her beauty is baffling. Her writing from the heart and she looks sophisticated. Id really like your feedback on a few of my short stories at Gastradamus. It would be an honor for someone like you to comment on Ms Scarlet… Blue Jasmine and The empty voter… Gastradamus is my name a gassy topics are my game

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like those detective stories in which the reader is taken along the investigation process (e.g. Miss Marple), as against those in which the detective works alone and simply presents the resolution and arguments at the end (like Sherlock Holmes).

    Liked by 1 person

    • As a thriller/mystery aficionado, I like both Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes. Here, in this particular book, the author has revealed the name first and the rest of the book deals with the other things. This approach is comparatively new (though, not uncommon) in this genre and if executed well, could be very engaging… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh ho ! Definitely my cup of tea it is. Thanks for enlightening me. I have to catch a copy as early as possible. Your review is vigorous enough to instigate a whodunnit-lover like me to waste no time for reading it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Not only the book but your review too is nerve-wracking & spine chilling 🙂 The strategy you employed is like a double- edged sword. You managed to reveal just enough to get the readers intrigued and ensured you didn’t reveal too much. That was a key takeaway for me. Keep reviewing, keep rocking 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A novel that is hard to put down is well worth the read. I like the title, as well. Thorough and superbly reviewed without giving any crucial clues away — hmm, you would pen a super mystery tale, Mani, since you appear to keep secrets well! ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I absolutely love mystery. I wish I could find some more time to read these days. Loved the review. Very detailed. Although there were some spoiler alerts I so want to read the book now:)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think the unique perspective of looking at the scene and at first, determining no intent to murder is fascinating. The unraveling of this tale, provided by you, may need a *spoiler alert.*
    Just a suggestion, Maniparna. Often when we reveal the plotline if there may be someone reading the review who hasn’t read the book yet, may appreciate the warning. 🙂


    • Thanks, Robin. I understand what you said…:-)

      But, here in this book, the author has treated the plot differently. As I’ve said, it’s a back-calculation. That is, the author has revealed the murderer first, the readers become aware of the murderer within the first forty pages of the book. The rest deals with the detection and the way the murder was done. So, especially in this case, it’s not a spoiler.
      I really appreciate your suggestions on the posts…. 🙂


      • Oh, Maniparna, I knew the suicide attempt was revealed early on but didn’t realize the water container was also revealed in the beginning. Not sure if reader knows all this, with husband who dies, wife doesn’t and also water source has cyanide why you would keep reading? What exactly would you learn for more proof to convict? Obviously, wife wants husband dead. . .

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes…everything was revealed. But, there lies the skill of the author. He has been able to make it interesting enough as how foolproof was the plan was. You have to read the book to understand the underlying tension of the cat and the mouse game between the police and the accused. Another famous book in the same line I can prescribe, it’s Keigo Higashino’s “The Devotion of Suspect X”. Same thing, the murder happens within the first two chapters, the reader knows very well who the murderer is…and still you won’t be able to keep it down.


      • Thank you for your patience in explaining this book and thank you for recommending a similar book, Maniparna. This was more than usual comment time spent to provide such informative details! 🙂
        I have quite a stack of detective books next to my bed in a large basket. Hope to get more reading time once my work hours diminish from ten to at least nine daily. Busy life and hard to keep up. . .

        Liked by 1 person

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