70 responses to “Freedom (to women)

  1. A nice perspective on freedom from women’s point of view.

    However, i feel freedom is a mind and attitude thing. Sometimes a king may not have as much sense of freedom as a beggar. As long as one is alive absolute freedom is not possible. However, it is possible to get rid of the attachments and the limiting beliefs.


    • That’s what I tried to convey here. We, women, are bound by a number of shackles. They are instilled in our minds from the very beginning of our life and, that’s how the society works. It becomes very difficult to get rid of them even when a girl grows up. Stil, I hope, one day… we shall overcome… 🙂


  2. I have become suspicious of powerful lines because they always reflect the result of the transformation and not always the story of it 🙂 That said, your poetry leaves the reader wondering and inspired at the same time!

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  3. Freedom and power – two very crucial elements that subjugate women, positioning them carefully in those rungs of hierarchy from where they cannot liberate themselves…..I like the comparison with the tree although here I am also reminded of Shel Silverstein’s book, The Giving Tree. I urge you to read it. It is a short book, written for children…..but the message is for everyone who reads…..The conclusion to your poem is hopeful….

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  4. The last line, Mani, emphatically equating woman with the creative and regenerative aspect of Nature comes across with tremendous impact, more powerfully poised than the Triumf S-400 anti-aircraft missile launcher.

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  5. You(Women) are as strong and invaluable as all the trees – thank you for all you provide us with – love, support, family etc 🙂 Great poem Maniparna – one of your best, in my humble opinion 🙂

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  6. It’s the modern Indian mentality, which binds women in a shackle. Don’t confuse it with the eternal Indian mentality. Adi Shankaracharya was defeated by the wife of Mandan Mishra in Kashi. The Queen of Jhansi was a woman. It’s just the modern mentality (read Dark or Medieval Ages), which bound the women. They say that oppression and dictatorship originates from a fear. During those ages, modern men may be afraid of the power of women, so to contain it, they must have bound her. That doesn’t mean that woman is weak! A caged tiger is still a tiger!

    Stupid, but probable!

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