Things She Left Behind


The rain was pouring down.
Raindrops lashed her soft cheeks
Still, she was walking down the lane
Alone, unperturbed.
She was contemplating of the past
Of things happened years ago,
No look back in anger,
Repentance, nothing to mourn.

The journey, she should take alone
The rain was rejuvenating her 
She was drenched 
But she didn’t care.
One day she should reach there
Where happiness persists
Enduring the emotional unrest
Of tears and the tempest.

One day the rain will cease.
Clear blue sky and gentle breeze; 
Golden sunshine would be there
No dark clouds, nothing to fear.
As fresh as a new green leaf.
No confinement to mortal grief.
Peace will come and give her a kiss
She will achieve that celestial bliss.

The things we leave behind


89 responses to “Things She Left Behind

  1. Having achieved that Celestial Bliss.
    She would want to know more of it.
    Then shall come the Angels of Knowledge.
    She shall be protected by the other Gods.
    To make her path an Oasis of serenity.
    In the tranquility she shall reach the Goal.
    Is that enough.
    In the context, I want you to read my Post “Celestial Embrace” if you have the time.


  2. Maniparna your poetry is par excellence, highly positive and depicting the various stages of life( “the rain pouring down”) passing by, especially the past full of bewitching and enticing memories, touching her emotionally, physically and deep inside like a wild storm and in the end peace will come from a hidden desire of lifetime in the form of a kiss from a heavenly blessedness.Very touching,arousing and awakening.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent poem on thoughts of walking through life’s problems that often can soak us to the core of our souls.. But knowing all storms pass if we just keep on keeping on..
    Loved your Poem


  4. Rain is plentiful where I live, and I actually miss it when we’ve had a dry spell for awhile. Your potent words call to me, and I loved your description of how rain is rejuvenating. After the rain, there’s a feeling of rebirth in the green plants and the sunlight. I’m so easily lost in your words, Mani, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. In the hope of ‘Golden sunshine’ we can walk through all the topsy-turvy turbulent times with ease that accompanies us unseen!
    Love the determination of moving ahead. Thanks for the inspiration Mani 🙂 Stay blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A timely post, Maniparna. Beautifully written with such finesse.

    Sometimes we have to close a door so we can move on. But we also have to be mindful that we don’t have to lock and seal all the doors but be prepare to keep a door ajar. Life is not black and white.

    Liked by 1 person

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