Details: Chameleon

I had an unusual guest a few days ago. This bright and beautiful chameleon peeped through my kitchen window. It had a cold stare…looked very stern. It watched me for a couple of minutes, looked exasperated as I was clicking, turned and went away. 

Managed to get the details, anyway.


98 responses to “Details: Chameleon

  1. A Chameleon isn’t something I would normally encounter in Weston-super-Mare, unless it was in a glass case. Here, you have it unfettered and free to come and go. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow!! Maniparna – I am so envious. We do not have Chameleon here in Australia. I see in a reply from one of your friends that they turn a white colour – True?? What amazing and beautiful animals, a privilege to see one I imagine. I love your simple story to accompany the pic also. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. So Daring you are taking its picture from so near. I wonder why it did not change its color to white 😉
    A line passed my mind “Atithi tum kab jaoge?”

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This is one of the creations of nature so it was wonderful to examine his beauty and details, Maniparna. Lovely haiku. I also very much admired the Drops of hope and love with peace as a goal for us on your next post. I usually read them twice but have an activity I need to go to. Take care, dear! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. You remind me that I haven’t seen a chameleon in ages. In fact I probably last saw one as a child in my home city. A reminder that my children haven’t seen chameleons – imagine! You were were lucky to have one come up so close.😀

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  6. Pingback: Details (Door) | What's (in) the picture?·

  7. Brilliant shot, Mani. He does look a bit grumpy. Maybe he didn’t like the brown and plain of your kitchen window – it couldn’t blend and hide from 😀 Or he could be hungry, and it just wasn’t his day. Great timing 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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