The Year 2015 On Scattered Thoughts: A Look Back

2015 is slowly approaching to secure its place in our memory. Very soon, it will cease to exist at present and will become a part of history. But, the year, even if it fades out, can’t expunge the impact it had on our life. With all the ups and downs, the year 2015 will remain to be a part of us forever, as every other year, we have witnessed in our lifetime.

While bidding adieu to 2015, let’s have a recap. It had been a moderately good year for me, as I’m still alive, hale and hearty.
It was a good year for my blog, Scattered Thoughts, too. She has witnessed thousands of new visitors and, the old friends were always there by her side, being her real inspiration and encouragement. Scattered Thoughts is thankful to you all. Here’s wishing you all a very happy New Year. May you be blessed with all that you’ve ever desired for in 2016.

Here are my 10 favourite posts from the year 2015. I’ve picked them up, they are my choice, but I sincerely hope you would like them as well. 🙂

On January 2015, I first tried my hand to pen down a murder mystery. It has three parts, you can find the link to the next part at the end of each one.

Everything Was Perfect

The second one is a poetry, on love, the most cliched yet eternal emotion.


This one was my first etheree and, so special to me.

Fire of Passion

This story won the second prize in a competition.

Love, Lust, Lost

Gardening makes me happy. I chose this post just because I love it.

On Gardening

I’m a pluviophile and, had to keep this one in my list.

In Love With Rain

A set of haiku poems, on an unusual subject, Death

Death and Beyond

The fragrance, the memories….

Frangipani Tree

A picture and a poem


A lazy November post
Yes Me, Lazy Me

Last but not the least, a fun post on Bengalis.

10 Things You Should Know About Bengalis

Wishing you all a wonderful 2016, once again ❤

43 responses to “The Year 2015 On Scattered Thoughts: A Look Back

  1. I’m going to go through each of them. You know? I’ve heard that you are an expert at twists and horror. Knowing you, you must be awesome.

    Beware! I’ll comment on each. And, I’m not so good at mincing words. So, ‘Beware’ is indeed a mot justé! 😀

    Just kidding. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’ve ”heard” ?? Oh man! Gossip! …trust me.. 😥 I don’t have such sheer elegance like you in weaving stories. Keep your expectation low… pleaseee….

      On the other hand, I’ll really really appreciate your ‘honest’ judgement and comments on them… 🙂


    • Well, I’m a proud Benarasi. So, that nearly brings my honesty to the level of a kid playing pirate. 😀

      Sir Arthur created a character, jiska copy Feluda hain. Sherlock said, “Never be modest. The world never gives you credit anyway, so, why throw it yourself?” or something to that effect.

      Talking about Benaras, I wrote a story on Benaras after talking about Ram Nagar to a friend on FB. Also wrote a spooky story, inspired by you, lekin mai bhi nahi dara us se.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We have so many famous Bengali novels based on Benaras.. or Baranasi, as they wrote. I longed to visit that place…even my husband planned a tour last year, but somehow, it didn’t mature. Now, if we go, I’ll pester you for sure …to have some details on the city. 😀

        Really had a busy week from the 25th of December…didn’t check any of the blogs..almost. Missed replying to the comments on my blogs, too 😦
        Thanks for letting me know about the stories..going to read them now… 😀

        As we are talking of Sherlock, do you watch the series with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock on TV?


      • How can you read? I didn’t even post them! Hahahah!

        Today I commented on your comment on a Benarasi silk Saree. if you remember. I mentioned the palace of Kashi Naresh!

        I wrote a story after that. Anyway, the spooky tale is due next Friday and the Benaras one after that.

        I’d be in Benaras by 18th April. You may get a guided tour. I’ll be with another bong. Indranil Banerjee. You and your hubby are invited to my palace, jo thoda sa bada hai, compared to Kashi Naresh. Because, I laugh a lot. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes… I hopped to your blog and did find a story I missed in between 😀 But there was no Benaras or any spookiness…it’s too late, thought you must be sleeping so didn’t ask you anything on FB… 😛

        I’ll let you know if we can make it to Benaras. Nothing would be more delightful than a guided tour with a Benarasi… 😀


  2. ‘She’ (your blog) is a woman with great style and variety, and I’ve enjoyed ‘her’ posts though I happen to miss many. Will go through the top ten. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!


  3. I am sure I have r3ad a few if not all of your posts and always find them very good. And inspiring too..

    Wishing you and everyone around you a very happy new year ….


  4. I have read many of your top ten and consider my connect with your world as one of the highlights of 2015. Wishing that you enlarge your creative frontiers in the coming year.


  5. I saw you writing on a diverse range of topics and found all of them pretty interesting. Thank you for coming up with beautiful poems based on different poetry styles that inspired others like me to try those. Hope to see much more from you in the coming year. Wish you a wonderful year ahead. 🙂


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