They Survive, It’s Still Okay

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Fangs of the chilly night made her shiver
Her teeth were making metallic sound
As if in a daze of fever.

Emaciated creature, she writhed in pain
Cold was blue, cold was strong
Laughing at her in utter disdain.

Gnawing slowly, savouring the flesh
Cold breath of winter.
Each moment, Boreas started afresh.

Weak, though, she embraced herself
Strength, some warmth maybe
Transmitted by Hope, the elf.

“I’ll survive, this season too”, whispered she
“It’s still okay as I’m alive,
“Come bitter nights, cold as stone, I’ll face thee”.

This poem is dedicated to the little brave souls, the homeless street children who don’t have adequate measures to fight against the severe cold of windy wintry nights. While we savour and relish the warmth of indoors and woollens, they strive to survive the season.
This is also a response to Anoop’s post, my friend and a wonderful blogger who tagged me to write for the prompt. Visit his blog to read his take.
Also linking it to this week’s Indispire by Prakash.

95 responses to “They Survive, It’s Still Okay

  1. I wish that little girl who died the other day during the Delhi slum drama had lived too…Her death, the debates as to what caused it, the political drama that followed – all enraged me and made me ask Is it Still Okay???

    Liked by 1 person

    • The whole world is passing through a dangerous state. You express your disgust for something, you’ll immediately be branded as #intolerant! You demand clarification from the government for any mishap and you’ll be called a #deshdrohi. So much negativity all around…it’s sickening! Still, we have to nod our heads saying, it’s okay… 😦


  2. मनिपर्णा जी, इसे ही जिजिवीषा कहते है। सुंदर प्रस्तुति…


  3. The title itself speaks volume” they survive and it’s okay”, you have captured the real essence of these innocent faces facing the stark reality of life and the disparity.
    Indeed we are inside the cozy comfort of our bed, we have little clue of the hardship they are in when the winter hits hard at them, we enjoy every bit of cold in warmth of our protected room, what about these little souls outside left in the jaws of cold bits. Who cares?
    Yes, they are brave souls and they are inspiration and it is for us who are fortunate to do our bit…I will survive this season because they have seen so many seasons and they are confident and we are amazed at their confidence…great stuff and wonderfully articulated, it conveys every bit of the pain and the profound message is magically woven in the poem…
    Thanks so much for sharing such a powerful post.


  4. I always loved rain and winters, in that order. Somehow, you made me feel guilty for that infatuation!

    Your poem made the picture of those homeless kids come alive before my eyes! Wrapped in torn rags, which we won’t even cover our dogs in, they brave the fangs of winter… and defeat it too!

    It’s so easy to lol in a cozy bedroom, wrapped in the warmest garbs one can obtain and then admire the winter. You kicked me out of my comfort zone, albeit mentally, and made me feel how some of them live.

    …and, I didn’t like the feeling! 😦


  5. We seldom see people who suffer and rather than providing a helping hand, we ignore the one who suffer the most. We also crib around our sufferings and think that we are the unlucky ones. But we need to open our eyes and look around. I think whenever we read these stories, it will help us to open our eyes and look around and find those needy ones. Compared to them we are the most lucky ones, atleast have a house to protect us from the nature’s cruel face. Even though they are helpless and homeless, I am sure that they will move on. Someone someday will offer an hand of help to all those needy.
    Thanks Maniparna for reminding us that how lucky we are.


  6. Nature,in poetry, is mostly portrated as pretty. This poem, portrayed its cruel but real face. And that’s wha impressed me.


  7. We so get busy complaining about small things, and forget to thank God for the three necessities of life which he has given us in abundance. Sometimes makes me wonder why life has been so unkind to some souls. Let me not get into that philosophical mode…
    Well-written Mani, as always.
    Hugs dearie.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It reminds me of poor kids of Shakur Basti whose voice were lost in the political drama of DDCA & National Herald. They are living at same place but in open now because their houses were destroyed by Railway on the charge of encroachment of railway property.

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  9. Thanks for highlighting the plight of thousands of such families and little children who lie languishing on the streets, in the slums, which are demolished at will!! When will the authorities stop paying mere lip service to them? Can you blame such children if they grow up into insensitive individuals?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Homeless children, domestic violence, child labour . . kids are definitely the most vulnerable. I wish the matters were dealt with actively rather than taking it up in a passive manner.


  11. What a beautiful poem about such a sad subject. Too many homeless children exist. We who have heat and running water do not even stop to think how lucky we are to have such luxuries. I wish things were different and I wish we could make a difference. I wish.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Well, you made it such a wonderful read but yet makes me thoughtful about them. Sadly, I am also one who has sympathy just in the heart and who can’t do much for them at this point. 😦

    Good one as usual Mani 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. A very touching poem Maniparna about the plight of street children who brave the cold every winter night, in the hope that the night will pass away. We don’t feel it so much in Mumbai, but in places like Delhi, or nowadays even in Kolkata, it must be very tough for these kids.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Life can be so harsh . I do wish and hope that people instead of going on about stupid things actually work for humanity. . Maybe just maybe these beautiful souls won’t have to feel the harshness of the winter out in the cold

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