What is Your Hobby?

We all like to spend at least an hour of leisure time regularly; this free time helps us to de-stress from the daily mundane activities. Most of the people, like to pursue their hobbies in leisure time. Now, I’m not going to belabour my readers on elaborating the nature and kind of hobbies one can have, that itself demands a separate post. The question I find more intriguing is, why one likes to have hobbies? Where lies the demarcation between hobbies and normal everyday pursuits?

We “have to do” the routine-based daily work, while we “like to do” those things related to our different hobbies. The difference in the perception, execution, and the happiness gathered, distinctly separate hobby from work. It also rejuvenates our mind and body by mellowing down the discomposure. A hobby or outside interest, most of the times, is rewarding.


Perhaps the most widely practiced hobby is travelling. Travelling breaks the monotony of the prosaic life providing the much-needed freshness. For me, travelling doesn’t mean a mad rush from one place to another. I, rather, like to ponder and wonder, garnering small happiness in the process. Walking down a mountains road on a misty morning, as the Nature unveils itself slowly with the sun rays, helps me to understand the true meaning of happiness. My heart leaps up at the sight of an unknown flower smiling all by itself.

I remember one of my ventures to a remote tribal village in the Birbhum district of West Bengal, away from the bricks and stones and cacophony of city life, a tryst with nature. I was exploring the village and the adjoining forest (it would be an exaggeration to call it a forest, it was just a reminiscence of one) breathing in the fresh oxygen and enjoying the greeneries with an insatiable thirst. The sight of a row of Kadamba trees (common bur-flower) in full bloom with big round golden-yellow flowers, made me enchanted. The wake of the fragrance of the flowers struck me more; the captivating smell, has been etched in my mind forever.

1-morning 017

The hobby of travelling often turns itself to an addiction. And, when it does so, you often have to shell out a fortune to nurture your hobby. Goibibo coupons offering amazing offers on travel purchases from reputed sites can be of great help lowering the budget to some extent. As someone has rightly said, that, while preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and money; then take half the clothes and twice the money! Expedia, they are also striving to make travelling a joyful experience for all. 

My gadget-freak cousin has a penchant for exploring new devices. He proudly proclaims this as his hobby and enjoys it with great élan.

While it takes a lot of time for me to understand the pros and cons of a device, he, with a few quick clicks, snoops into the device discovering it from all the possible points. Whenever a new product hits the market, his one and only mission is to lay his hands upon it. He buys, sells, resells, again buys, exchanges- a never ending vicious circle it is for him. To lower the price of his pocket, he relies on discounts and coupons, too.Hobbies, thus can be of myriad types; from collecting boxes to rock climbing.  Interestingly enough, what may be a hobby for one can be the profession for another. The quintessence of hobby is recreation and enjoying one’s own self through a creative outlet. It can be a great source of stress relief.

So, what’s your hobby?  Do you have just one or more? Share your hobby-happiness with us. 🙂

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104 responses to “What is Your Hobby?

  1. Hello Maam
    My hobby is to travel and listening to soft music – sometimes I do have a stroll at beach here just to de-stress my self.. offocurse finance is always on my mind hehehe…
    Nice article maam
    thanks for sharing 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hobbies, thus can be of myriad types; from collecting boxes to rock climbing. Interestingly enough, what may be a hobby for one can be the profession for another. The quintessence of hobby is recreation and enjoying one’s own self through a creative outlet. It can be a great source of stress relief.Very well written and actually these thinking are of everybody. Interest differs from person to person and we should respect their interests.


  3. My hobby is drawing at which I find my inner peace. Travelling wasn’t my thing but after travelling for a week I found that, it helped to reboot the system of my monotonous life. Travelling is great. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As destressing and wanting to do , mine are reading,writing,traveling and sketching/ painting and DIY paper craft. Waise the list is quite long but being my soul-sis , you know me really well so you sort of know :):)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Travelling is definitely love but alas it requires planning :/ Whenever I find free time you’ll find me engrossed in a novel or tweeting to get retweets 😛 . I also like watching movies and redesigning my home when I am free 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The difference between ‘have to do’ and ‘want to do’. For me, now, Life is a hobby 🙂 Like you I like traveling too, trekking, blogging, classical music…..the list goes on 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Certified wanderlust… one who travels… by just reading your words… I feel like I have traveled the world… 🙂 nice thought here and insights… gosh I clicked the wrong button… instead of like I clicked the unfollow button… but its back… thus the notification… sorry my mistake… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • True dear, internet has blessed us with this. We can now wander all over the world and see it through others’ eyes. It’s a great virtual travel… 🙂

      Oh! I got the notification …it happens..not to worry at all… 🙂


  8. I got so many.. pity i dont get time to fulfill all of them .. summers are coming to now is the time for gardening 🙂 I love travelling and playing hockey….

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Interesting post on hobby Maniparna. As you rightly pointed out, it should as well get along with our nature and interest, which gives penultimate satisfaction and happiness.

    My hobbies are all kind of nature activities like bird watching, turtle walk, eco-walk and trekking. I enjoy doing it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. “what may be a hobby for one can be the profession for another”, well said. Can a hobby not be turned into a profession by the same person? I think that’s what is meant when they say choose/follow a profession or hobby that you love and you will not have to work.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lovely post!!!

    Hobbies is what keeps us going, breaks the routine and the drudgery we get into through our work…working for an earning is a mandatory requirement we just cannot escape this even it is a monotony. But life is more than just work and yes, we all have our means to meaningfully and happily engaged in activities that are close to our heart.

    No doubt about that travelling is one of the most universally followed hobby, why not it take you to places and indeed walking through those less traveled and unknown places leaps our heart and makes feel conquering new territories…

    I enjoy travelling, walking and playing with my lens…Love this, wonder and ponder.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Mani, To be frank i am confused with usage of few words like hobby , passion, daily routine …. Little bit that I understand is that daily routine is for basic needs, hobby is food for our soul. But then what is passion. Again May be problem with my side , if what we do in leasure time is hooby then watching TV , sometimes painting, sometimes reading, sometimes writing , travelling …… but are they really food for our soul ?? .

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it is different for each of us. Painting may satisfy one’s soul while another finds solace in reading. Varies from person to person. Again, one can be passionate about his work, means, he loves it earnestly. WE can be passionate about anything and, perhaps, a little passion is alway associated with our hobbies… 🙂

      Thank you very much for presenting a different perspective…it was definitely thought-provoking… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. If hobby is meant to de-stress, then nothing de-stresses more than having a good chat with a friend. Of course, travelling away from the city breaks the monotony of daily routine, and helps to de-stress. Btw the kadamba flower looks so fresh. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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