Blog to Feed a Child

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


Statistics show that millions of children in India are deprived of the basic necessities of life, health, food and education. There are so many organizations and people who work hard to come up with those numbers which keep on increasing every year in leaps and bounds. But how many of us come forward to give a hand in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger? Often we see emaciated human forms searching for food like scavengers by the side of big vats. We get shocked and think, “I must do something for them”, then we return home and eventually forget. But don’t we have duties as responsible citizens and human beings? A little effort from each one of us can make a huge difference.

1-Ghatshila-Galudih 016
Bring Back the Hope in Their Eyes

Since  the system of  Mid-Day Meal or MDM has started in India, the number of school-going children has  increased. Many families living below the poverty line  now send their children to school for that ensures they would not have to starve. But definitely there is another side. In most of the cases, children from these families are often engaged to work in order to earn for the family. Yes, of course there is a Prohibition of Child Labour Law, but that is seldom implemented and millions of children at this moment are working in carpet making factories, fireworks factories, and roadside dhabas and are getting deprived of education and proper nutrition. These children often are compelled by their parents to work and earn at the cost of their future. These parents have no awareness to the fact that for a child education is of utmost importance and only that can change their condition. Poverty has made them merciless, even to their own children.

First of all, I think, this awareness should be spread among all so that people send their children to school instead of engaging them to earn from a tender age. Childhood must be protected and this awareness is the foundation to that.

Secondly, the MDM scheme taken by the Government must ensure that the food given to the children has proper nutritional value. If a greater fraction of the population remains uneducated and suffers from malnutrition, a country can never prosper.

Thirdly, all of us should try to contribute a little bit in the process of eradicating hunger and ignorance from our country. We can help through NGOs, we can make small monetary donations, can give free tutorial support to the needy on and so forth. The crux is, if you’ve a will, you’ll definitely find out a way that can improve a child’s life.

Here I am, in association with BlogAdda and Akshaya Patra, trying to do my own little bit to make at least one child smile. For every blog-post we write, BlogAdda will sponsor meals for an Akshaya Patra beneficiary for an entire year, as a part of our Bloggers Social Responsibility.

AKshaya Patra is a non-profit organization which is the world’s largest (not-for-profit run) mid-day meal programme serving wholesome food to over 1.4 million children from 10,661 schools across 10 states in India.

Let’s show the power of blogging. Spread the word, feed a child. Be a part of the initiative to make India a better place for children.

32 responses to “Blog to Feed a Child

  1. presents’ I’m Influencer, a superb opportunity for bloggers across India to participate and win sure shot prizes. You have a chance to be mentored by Kulwant Nagi (among top 10 Indian bloggers) in a day long workshop on ‘How to Make a Million Dollar Through Blogging’ (for Top 10 Bloggers). And top 3 bloggers will win prizes worth
    First – 20,000 INR
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    To participate in this competition, register here:
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  2. This is a very nice post Maniparna and a wonderful initiative. I did see a promo mail from Akshay patra but did not connect it to this. It is really nice what they are doing and hopefully I shall come up with a post soon in support of this. Thank you for this post, a really nice one 🙂


  3. Great initiative by blogadda. It becomes a responsibility to support the causes for the people, who are below poverty line. There are families in India, where every person is required to work, so that they can have proper food in a day. In that case, we can’t even blame the parents, coz what all they know is how next to earn food and nothing else. Knowledge or rationality can’t be expected from people, who are fighting dire poverty. Our Government has started mid day meal so that children can have one time food and at the same time they can acquire a little bit of knowledge.


  4. Wonderful.
    Its a great effort to feed children. Scheme is appreciated and I am going to write for a child’s food security. Thanks Maniparna for this info.
    And yes, we don’t engage kids in our Carpets manufacturing, leather tanning factories, leather goods, footwear plants… we engage their parents, as workers, and we pay them as per Factories Act 1948. We have provided a school to our workers’ kids, free of cost and we, too, provide full lunch (Dal, Veggies, Rice, Rotis) to school’s kids. But not like midday meal, we take care of their taste buds too as well as full nutritients including 250mg of pure milk and a fruit (3 bananas or an apple 3 days a week, two boiled eggs 2 days, and chocolate cake on saturdays) .
    The school is unaided, it is run by the company I have established and the school is in the memory of my dad.
    For your surprise, this school is affiliated to CBSE board and teachers are B.Eds and they are well paid as per norms. This funding is provided by our foreign based importers, like Walmart, Bayliss, Uline etc.
    This is my bit of contribution in nation building.


  5. I’m not on blog adda, but I find it sad that it takes an initiative like this for us to not look through and past all the people who are hungry. It is easy to become desensitized to the issues around us. Every day… Food is important, and as a mother, I agree that we need to see more than just “our” child or “our neighbors”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a lovely initiative Blogadda has come up with and I think I’ll write a blogpost too and do my bit too , Great to see so many of the bloggers winding in to make this initiative a success 🙂


  7. I know about Akshaya Patra and the wonderful work done by them…we should all do our bit to make the world a better place for the children. As I am involved with technology for educational institutions, I closely work with large number of schools and I try to do my bit…small contribution from all of us can make a great difference in life of children, and that can change the fate of our society…
    Thanks for supporting such a wonderful cause…

    Liked by 1 person

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