43 responses to “Haiku : Grief

  1. What I see is, aftermath of a war zone from your words…but I am soooo happy that you have a torched candle (as opposed to an extinguished one) which I am symbolically taking that there is still “hope” (respite) for betterment. Of course, I am also presuming the “burning” (flames) by itself as the “pain” (grief).
    I have no idea what is your perception behind the words and the pic…but hope you won’t be offended for putting mine…
    I am sure there is an even better or emphatic explanation to your thoughts. What intrigues me is how a few simple words artistically put together can convey such deep meanings….


    • Thanks a lot Vidhya , for such a profound analysis and appreciation. Yes, you are right…I, more, or less, wanted to convey the same …..grief hurts us , in every way, both physically and mentally…but as we know , time is the best healer and there is always hope..it’s because of this HOPE, we are still living… 🙂


  2. Wow! What a powerful Haiku. I’m always impressed when writers can convey such a strong message with so few words and words that have to fit the syllable pattern. I can’t do it, but I very much enjoy reading them. Yours was particularly compelling.


  3. Yes Maniparna inside it hurts so much than what we see outside right?
    I loved playing with the gulgul here i don’t know how the dog goes that much inside and outside of the frame.where did you get this?oh god what is that in the right side of your blog?Awards,Awards and more Awards.Now i am becoming little jealous 🙂 But if you comment on my blogs then who is getting more awards 😛


  4. Goodness…that is a strong first line. You portrayed grief in new light, menacing, almost fearsome, in its ability to tear all apart, then the release of tears as a respite – a gentle, tragic feminine respite one respects. Years, so light, small, compared to the heavy darkness you portrayed. The masculine respite I am not sure, for a tear must not fall if the backbone is to stay strong. And strong it must stay so that the shoulders stay even.


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