That Stormy Evening

1-ChaNdipur 009

Wind howled ,window panes rattled
The sharp edge of the lightning
Cracked the evening sky
Thunder roared up in the high

The azure hue soon went awry
Trees nodded their disapproval
Firmament …as black as lead
All living being awaited the dread

She was standing under the shade
Anxious and frightened
The world around her all went hazy
Harsh, fierce raindrops made it mazy

Violent gust of winds and rain
Swept up the streets
An evening went wrong for her
How she wished the storm to smother.

Shared with Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Stormy Weather

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83 responses to “That Stormy Evening

  1. What a lovely Imagery Maniparna 🙂
    so vivid, good one again. Storms sometimes comes with frenzied gush to slaughter but afterwards the calmness just eludes life…..I rem my first Tornado watch warning in eve here & all the prep it goes with the upcoming danger here, esp with the kids, it was scary.
    Cheers & hugs


  2. Looks like someone stood her up …perhaps she was waiting for the wrong one. Although the storm washed her hopes away, I see a new dawn following. Nice application of figures of speech (don’t want to say metaphor, but also don’t know the right name). This reminds me of the “Frozen” song somehow….”The wind is howling

    Like this swirling storm inside

    Couldn’t keep it in

    Heaven knows I tried”………….


  3. Oh, it does indeed sound like the evening went wrong for her. The story sounds very intense, and I find myself wondering if it is also symbolic of an inner storm.


  4. Maniparna beautiful poem 🙂
    To be frank if i were you i wouldn’t have cared to read my blog,it actually is scribbling of a little insane mind which sometimes gets right 🙂
    Next week is onam here.Actually you know better than me about onam so even if i post something on onam you may find it boring.Anyways i will give it a try.Good night and god bless 🙂


  5. Beautiful words. I could feel the rain in the air. I just played with Gulgul. I couldn’t stop. How do I get one of my own? My real dog won’t play fetch. Maybe Maltese dogs don’t know how.


  6. I can relate to this 😛 Most of my evenings go wrong.

    On a serious note, this was very well written.Loved the way you described the evening. Hope you write more of these 🙂



  7. The watched and the watcher made me wonder how much the storm reflects rather than inhibits her? What has gone wrong? But sometimes we stand in awe in front of forces stronger than any human condition, a cruel reminder iof who is boss. If only governments would take their punishment and retire to their rooms! Love your rich descriptions.


  8. Spell bound poetry or rather a piece of Art. After such gale storm, usually the power cut is evident. The evening with cool winds, and oscillating rays of lantern light keep her waiting near the window. let the remaining leaves of the trees weakened by the gale storm fall one by one matching with a known footfall and she as if receives a light tap on her shoulder stops dozing and opens her eye. She is perplexed,evenings were never so much cool yet warm. This is my rection after reading your nice word works lovelier than any firework.


  9. It’s time like this that I take refuge in a cup of tea whilst the storm outside and within me battles for respite ❤❤❤beautifully expressed by you ❤❤❤


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