Blogging With #DellVenue

#DellVenue 7, the tab from Dell which undoubtedly has made blogging a completely different experience for me needs some more applause from my side. I’m completely in love with my #DellVenue and so have already written about the general features and technical properties of the tab in this post and have discussed about most popular games that can be played  coherently on the tab and its camera features here in this one. As I’ve mentioned before, the tab is one of the best in its price range and can be a real source of entertainment as well as useful.

I usually type posts for my blog whenever I can coax out some time from my busy schedule or at ungodly hours of night. Before the arrival of this tab in my life, I had to wait at least three minutes for my laptop to spring into life and another two minutes to get connected with the internet. Now just some quick strokes of fingers and lo, it’s time to type. Moreover, it looks weird if I carry my laptop while going for an early morning stroll in the nearby park. The #DellVenue has solved this problem too. Now I can scribble down a few lines while loitering around in the park or in the office garden.( yes, my muse inspired me at all odd places, even while waiting impatiently inside a cab for the signal to turn green).

Last Sunday, during a brisk morning-walk session, I took this photograph of the Gulmohar tree which stands just outside the park. It always feels good to be amidst Nature, even with photographs.

1-morning 027

Last week all the Indians enjoyed an extended weekend for our Independence Day, the 15th of August, was Friday. We decided to take a short break to rejuvenate us and arranged a short trip to a sea-side. These are some moments when we got captivated among the waves of traffic on our way to Howrah Station…..all captured by my Venue 7 . Let me know how these pictures look.

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The cab-driver threw a quizzical look at me as I was actually typing a post for my blog ! But one can’t help but to answer her/his muse while having a device like this tab. Easy to use, lightweight ( 317 gms only ! ) and a battery life that lasts even if you use continuously for 6/7 hours. That is the most convenient criteria for me as I love listening  music or playing games while travelling. The number of downloaded songs has already touched FIVE hundred…and many more are waiting to be added to the list.

Blogging is thus an all-new experience for me with #DellVenue 7. Being a passionate blogger, what more could I want ?  Blog wherever and whenever you wish and no more delving your brain afterwards to remember that nice line which you framed for your newest poem while looking outside the office window. Life is beautiful with such  small happiness. Thanks #DellVenue, direct #DellSe.

You can visit Dell’s Facebook page to know more or can connect with them on Twitter.

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39 responses to “Blogging With #DellVenue

  1. I could actually visualize you getting frustrated with your old machine as that happens with my office laptop. And i can see the delight all over the post of your muse! Nice post Mani and I liked the pictures too.


  2. Thank you Maniparna for sharing the snaps of Howrah Bridge and reminding me all the good and great memories of Kolkata 🙂 Good to hear your experience about blogging with your Dell Venue 🙂


  3. Blogging on the tablet en route to somewhere…good idea. Thank you so ooo much for the photos of my beloved Howrah Bridge. Kolkata nostalgia is hitting me hard…


  4. Interesting Maniparna, Mobile blogging & tab blogging way to go. I am so far contented within my Apple world 😀 but this one is interesting & very nice interesting captures too. Kudos. Cheers.


  5. now i need to think tooo 🙂 but in my case I would not get time to post while i am on the move as mostof the time it will be me driving .. and when i am working it is mostly walking 🙂

    but the way you have described it looks exciting .. and howrah bridge looks great 🙂


  6. Pingback: Blogging With #DellVenue·

  7. Nice to be anywhere blogger, i myself also activated posting via e-mail, then i can post an article to my blog. I also use my tab for blog walking, but for typing a blog content i often use my small gadget for its small size and direct internet connection. see my post on mobile blogging. Thanks.


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