19 responses to “Staring At The Stairs

  1. There is some illusionary quality about this.
    Seems like it dares anyone to move upward, to excel.
    While in fact it goes downward, straight to hell. :mrgreen:


    • Yeah..you know..I’ve clicked this in an old , dilapidated , historical fort…the very sight of these stairs was ominous ..as if it has so many stories to tell…so many secrets locked up inside… !


  2. Its mysterious, its to nowhere, anybody who ever tried to cross the steps never got back, Kumbhkarn is sleeping there …and lot more scary captions are suitable for this one. Its taken in dark, the flash gave the pic a gloomy touch.
    Ok, will use this with my next horror story …yeah yeah credit will be given under the photo.


    • Haha..Thanks for the explanation….especially woh Kumbhkaran wala.. 😀 ….will be honoured if you use the picture….( with due credit 😛 ) your horror stories are awesome.. 🙂


  3. I actually saw a place like this in my childhood in one of my relative’s old village house. It was for a back exit and nobody was allowed to go there and you can guess know who actually ventured there… 😉 🙂 Nice capture 🙂


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