Book Review : Between The Sheets

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20402929There is a saying by A.B. Alcott about books which goes as , ” That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.” . This saying goes apt for Between The Sheets ” by Sarka-Jonae Miller . Like the first one  of the series ” Between Boyfriends “  it too falls in the chick Lit/ YA genre but really this one has more to offer . 
We are meeting Jan Weston again who is twenty-five now and has become mature ,wise and is definitely keeping her vow to eschew from dating. ( Well , Brian is not actually her date ) . Her friendship with Lisa and Becki has stood the test of time and the trio always finds happiness when they are in touch with each other. Meanwhile, as Jan and Becki prepare to visit Thailand for studying at the Thammasat University and while they are busy with the send-off party an awkward phone call on behalf of Becki’s family compels her to stay back . Disappointed and tensed , Jan sets off  alone … a new culture and people.  She feels depressed and laments her decision to venture alone  but her worries lighten somewhat when she meets Mali , her teacher in Bangkok.  Then the strangest thing happens as she meets Pan , her massage teacher at Wat Pho , Jan gets flummoxed as she  feels  the presence of an inexplicable energy  between them , some  unknown force acting ! Her attraction towards Pan , who lives an austere life and whose family wants him to be a Buddhist monk , becomes irresistible . Will she be able to inculcate in Pan the true meaning of love and passion ?  Or she will just succumb to other men who are ready to show her a good time ? Jan herself learns a lot in her endeavour to find the actual answer.  

Sarka-Jonae Miller has portrayed the known characters in a better way this time with newer facets ,the newly introduced characters making the process all the more interesting. With Bangkok as  backdrop for most of the  time , the story proceeds smoothly with a wonderful delineation of the city and its outskirts.  Bangkok comes alive in her  words. Jan’s experiences , both good and bad , teaches her more about life and she  prepares herself to face the life as it comes . She is no more a cry-baby , but a girl who can think and act reasonably , a woman of substance . You’ll definitely like this Jan …her introspection , her resilience , occasional whims , desire and love .

The author has maintained her usual writing style , lucid and candescent .   The plot is firm and there’s no trace of flaccidity .One can easily relate with the character of Jan  and the book is absolutely recommendable for all age group . Sarka-Jonae Miller has proved this time that with her inimitable style she is able to bind his readers and make them  crave for more .  I have really enjoyed the book and would love to read more about Jan as she is now ”  between flights ” .

From my side it’s  4.5 / 5  .

This second book in the ” between” Series is now available for pre-order on AmazonBetween The Sheets has a planned release date of 2/14/2014, Valentine’s Day!

The review of the First book “ Between Boyfriends ” is here .

About The Author :
Sárka-Jonae Miller is a novelist and freelance health writer. She has more than 4,000 articles published on topics such as Author Picfitness, sports, martial arts, yoga, nutrition, travel, spirituality, and natural health. Her work has appeared on websites such as,,, and, as well as in the “Post-Standard” newspaper and both the New York and Washington Home & Garden online magazines. Sárka-Jonae is a graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She is as a former personal fitness trainer and massage therapist. She is also an avid traveler, having spent time in Costa Rica, Canada, England, Mexico, and Paradise Island. She has also been to France and Thailand researching her next books. She lives in San Diego with a menagerie, including two cats, two dogs and a horse.

I’m thankful to the author herself for sending me an ARC . This review is by all means honest and contains my personal opinion.

16 responses to “Book Review : Between The Sheets

  1. Pingback: Book Review : Between Heartbreak and Happiness By Sárka- Jonae Miller | Scattered Thoughts·

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