The Owl

1-how-to-draw-a-realistic-owl-draw-a-real-owl_1_000000007855_5The silence of the night was perturbed by the hoot
The raucous cry shivered the forest
The wide soft wings fluttered in the dark
Dilly-dallying to catch the prey for the night.

All the inmates of the wood knew
That the rodents were no longer safe
Surreptitiously the nocturnal bird
Plunged down and made his day.

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30 responses to “The Owl

  1. a very living picture of the owl world….impending doom is so pronounced in ‘raucous cry’, forest’s
    shiver and the inmates’ apprehension…..very nicely sketched Maniparna…


  2. Nice lines which evokes sensual and visual feelings. Owl symbolizes so many things in different culture around the world. đŸ™‚


  3. I very much enjoyed this. At first I was disturbed by the use of perturbed, but came to see why you used it. If I were you, I would just work on the last line. It’s nearly right for me, but just not quite to the standard the poem deserves. Hope you don’t mind me saying.


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