Become A Child Once More This Children’s Day!


Every year Children’s day is celebrated in India on the 14th of November with much pomp and show. We all know it is the birthdate of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and that apart from being an able statesman, he was fond of children and was lovingly known as Chacha Nehru (Uncle Nehru). He used to consider children as the future of the country and said it’s our primary duty to look after our children so that they grow up to be responsible human beings.

The celebration of Children’s day, however, is still limited to schools and other academic institutions. The observances are not so common in an individual household. Schools organize different types of events like debates, storytelling, quiz and distribute chocolates and gifts, the parents are not likely to be seen taking endeavours to make the day special for their kids.

As parents, we want our children to be happy and successful in life. We try to provide them with the best education, want to instil in them good manners, wise ways of life and ethics. But do we ever want to be their friends? Friends, in which they can confide, they can find support and share all their joys as well as their pains. It is important that parents sometimes should come out of their usual role of being logical, responsible adults and, wear their kids’ little shoes sharing the same platform and perspective as the children. It would be a source of great pleasure and wonderment for the children when parents shedding their usual strict facade, choose a childish one.

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So, for a start, let’s choose this #ChildrensDay! Make your child feel special, gift them something they like and, most importantly, show them the much-needed camaraderie.

In my childhood, I remember how the local club used to organize an event where all the children from the locality, irrespective of class, creed, religion, were invited, given token gifts and were left to interact on their own. We had to make small groups comprising 4-5 kids and, had to perform anything on our choice; a song, a skit, or a dance performance. The goal was to galvanize the children and make them feel special. I still cherish those memories.

With the advent of technology, our children now have a number of gadgets which we, at their age, couldn’t even think of. Their bonding with families and friends are fading; very slowly but surely. It’s high time that we reinstate that ‘bond’ of love and make them understand that happiness is, in fact, lies in sharing and caring. It’s our responsibility to make them understand that life is just a colouring book, it’s the colours we choose to fill it with, make all the difference.

While writing this and searching for a related video to be embedded in the post, I chanced upon this #CadburyDairyMIlk TVC. Do give a watch to find the change of expression on the boys’ faces as their mother arrives….and what happens next! Cadbury’s Dairy Milk is always a great option to be a gift for someone you love, to bring a smile to anyone and make them happy. Let’s celebrate #KuchMeethaHoJaaye 🙂


First Image Credit: Here

61 responses to “Become A Child Once More This Children’s Day!

  1. Yes, gadgets are ruining the innocence and bonding of children these days. How about running a campaign to spread awareness about the impact of technology in our children’s mind?
    A lot of parents have no clue about these issues!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. With the increased number of gadgets, often children are bounded to indoors…. parents must have an eye upon that and make them aware of the wonders in outdoors…
    Between, wish you too a happy children’s day😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like your thoughts on how parents should try to be a little more relaxed around their children. I remember telling a friend once (she had a very young sister), that whatever said and done, the ideal would be to have children be comfortable enough to tell parents everything and yet know that they are parents and therefore should be respected. I come from a “classic” Sri Lankan family – I never told my parents anything..hehe. It’s a balancing be a parent and to be a friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. So how do we reinstate real life in the relation between children and parents? How do we actually become the friends of our children. The friends they know they can trust. Adults and children live in different worlds. Nowadays more than ever, I think.
    I remember my mother how she did when I was between 8 and 10. I used to read a lot of books. I was as immersed in those worlds of fiction as young people are in cyber worlds today. After I fell asleep, my mother used to read the books I read. And the next evening she used to sit at my bedside asking what I thought about this or that character, about this or that thing that happened in the story. These bedside conversations came to be about all things possible, and they have helped shape me into the reflective person I am today at seventy.
    If this had been today, I’m sure she would have played my computer-games and video-games with me, discussing whatever issues that would come up such as philosophy, ethics, religious beliefs … whatever she’d find important for an 8 to 10 year-old!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I can so relate to your experience! I’m still a bookworm and this habit of reading books was instilled in me by my parents. I often discussed different characters and their actions with my mother and father just like you’ve said 🙂

      As I’m a parent now, I enjoy discussing films, games and books (my son read, though not as much as I used to at his age) Even, it’s just because of him, that I’m aware of all the leading fictional characters and cartoons and Marvel comics characters 😀

      Thank you so much for expressing your views on the topic. I really enjoyed reading and associating my own experience with yours… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Become A Child Once More This Children’s Day! — Scattered Thoughts – Suman Freelancer·

  6. I felt becoming nostalgic as the post brought back childhood memories. Today’s kids are fortunate to have much more things that we had but we enjoyed playing in green fields or quarreling with friends over petty, childish issues. They are missing those things.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Love it. I remember my toys, parties, games, shows and other things. Those were awesome days. I still feel like a kid. The toys have become more expensive and advanced.
    Well. Great thoughts.
    Stay fit. Stay happy. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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