92 responses to “States of Love

  1. “Your “State of Love” is full of insight and beautifully expressed with a very deep hidden and mystic forms of love.”
    These are comments by me vijay verma and why system has mentioned anonymous is system error

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  2. I’m so amazed at how synchronistic our energies are right now! Just last night I played around on an art program and made a piece full of the word LOVE!!! So happy to connect again…I truly hope your heart is radiating light!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Endless introspection, yes that captures so much of love, the constant all consuming thoughts of love. You make love so wonderfully moving, the physical and spiritual melding in complicated simplicity.


  4. A lover’s body and soul are two separate entities which we find joy in different levels and degrees. True love, though, requires both. Beautifully expressed as always, my brilliant friend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow Mani. Such a beautiful piece! Loving ourselves is the first thing. And to find the light of our soul is what the journey of life meant for. Last three lines are awesome!

    Nice Mani. Have a great time. 🙂


  6. Lovely poem. I learn a new word every time I read your post. Thanks Maniparna. Has “sybaritic” anything to do with the ancient Greek city with a similar name: Sybaris, if I am recollecting the name of the city correctly? 😉

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  7. Sometimes, we meet a kindred spirit on our journey but due to circumstances or otherwise, we have to let it go. We seek the body not for the passion but for the spirit , mind and soul.

    Like a rose, it reveals its fragrance and beauty, just for a while.
    If it must be so, let’s not weep nor complain.
    High up in the sky,
    The sun still shines.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. As Andy said, “sybaritic”. I learnt a new word today. This is a lovely poem, one of hope. Love, it’s as much a journey of getting intimate with others as much as getting intimate with ourselves. But before we can love others, we have to learn to love ourselves first, and sometimes that journey inwards discovering who we are is the hardest of them all. Love your poetry, Mani 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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