90 responses to “Haiku: Jubilant

  1. I always believed that you are simply unbeatable in any kind of poetry! Catching tiny and innocent words unaware, and then weaving them into a dazzling necklace is your forté! You are simply brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Jubilant Sky | What's (in) the picture?·

  3. It’s nice to think of some moments in our life being like blooms. I wonder if we get different blooms depending on the type of experience (e.g. a rose for something official like a wedding and a daisy for lying out in the sun on a pleasant day). 🙂

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  4. I agree, life has shifting emotions, Maniparna. I really liked how you described how solemn now, jubilant then. Like a pendulum swinging, we realize we cannot feel pure joy without pain sometimes. Excellent in your haiku, concise and perfectly displayed. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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