A Smelly Journal

In a humid country like India , our olfactory receptors are always on alert to identify smells and God knows  most of those are stenches ; be it a crowded public vehicle , an office or a market . It may sound as an exaggeration if I say that reeking smells can make one mad enough  to  go as far as possible to get rid of them but let’s have a look …one day from Nikita’s everyday life …and you’ll understand.

Nikita has to reach her office every morning by 9.45 and as she is a late riser so there  is hardly any time for a proper breakfast  and for Niki , it’s better to skip food than the bath.  Though there is no time to take a luxurious shower , but she never really wants to miss even a short one for that marks the beginning of the day for her. Before going to office she  goes to the market to collect fresh vegetables for her mother and even though she douses herself luxuriously with body spray the smell of rotten vegetables and dried fish makes her sick . Moreover the smell lingers throughout the bazaar  and as the sabjiwala holds his hand up to weigh the  vegetables a fresh wave of stench from his  underarm hinders her breathing process ! Ten , twenty , forty , fifty…uffff…how many more seconds he would take to weigh 500 grams of  onions ! she flinches and feels almost choked as she has stopped  her inhaling process. #WhatsThatSmellBoss . But she knows it’s only the tip of the iceberg , she has a long day ahead . Nikita avails the underground Metro rail facility to reach her office and the those 50 minutes are the hardest time for her each day. Being air-conditioned , the over crowded compartments have no way to let out those different smells that are emitted from different sources . The concocted effect is deadly…of dried sweat mixed with dirt and grime , of different perfumes and deodorants which together produce an unpleasant odour  and sometimes the most dreaded thing occurs….when some co-passenger finds brotherhood with flatulence !! #WhatsThatSmellBoss !! Everybody looks suspiciously at others and Nikita holds her breath again to survive .

At the office , things are actually not that bad , fragrance of room-freshener lights up Nikita’s mind . At least she can breathe now . Around 12.30 she  is informed that she has a meeting with a client. After 10 minutes , as Mr. Gupta enters her cubicle Nikita sensed the smell of a Mont Blanc  Starwalker  cologne . ” It’s going to be a good time ” she muses. After 10 more minutes as they are busy discussing the pros and cons of the deal Nikita involuntarily flinches her nose… ..what is this ? what kind of smell ? rotting cadavers ? rotten eggs ? or a mixture of all ? She finds herself almost on the verge of dying as she has no way to escape . She tries to concentrate on the points ignoring the nauseating effect and then she discovers the source …..under the chair .  Mr.Gupta has taken his shoes off , perhaps for comfort , and the smell is coming from his socks !
#WhatsThatSmellBoss … good enough to kill someone .

Things worsen on her way back to home as after whole day’s work  almost each person smells  including she , herself. The effect of deodorant and perfume is  long gone and now she stinks of herself. After reaching home  the first and foremost thing she does is to turn on the water heater.  A hot shower is momentarily the priceless thing …..and as warm droplets of water run down her body, she feels rejuvenated and refreshed . ” No more stinky smell , I’m myself..again..Paradise regained …resurrection of Nikita through a hot bath ” she smiles at herself  as she adjusts  the hand shower like a mic and begins to sing  her very own song …..

A  hot bath  , a hot bath
feels good and calms your wrath
I’m on cloud nine
Life’s good and everything’s fine.



 Some Facts About Hot Water Bath 
 Hot bath helps to open up the pores of the skin which is an effective process of cleaning and to get rid of the dust and dirt particles which accumulates over the skin .
 It helps to loosen the stiff muscles producing a soothing effect . Also works well with mild joint pains and muscle aches.
 It relaxes your body and mind .

This post is written as an entry for the contest ” Close Encounters of the Smelly Kind ” in association with Indiblogger and Racold Thermo Ltd.
To know more about Racold  Water Heaters please visit their Facebook Page  and enjoy this hilarious video.


11 responses to “A Smelly Journal

  1. Hihi, yes, I agree, unfortunately India is quite a smelly country! Specially when you also have the mix of the sewer smells and bathrooms with bad plumbing, yuck, and people burping wherever and whenever they like, double yuck! It is one thing I don’t like at all about this country! Thank God for incense sticks I say!


    • Unfortunately you’re right.. some people publicly burp in a way that small kids may get afraid 😀 ..and bad plumbing..oh !! I had a terrible experience with this ..when I went for a tour to a small town in North India..


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