We Have Seen Enough….!


We have seen bleak faces with black hands
Robbing all the warmth of life
Snatching away the emotions from deep within.
We have heard deadpan narratives
Of people ceasing to exist, for no fault of their own
Of endless drops of blood congealing fast….
We have shuddered.

But I still have hope
For that’s the only thing I have.
That, empathy, love and peace
Will wipe out the miasma
Of death, madness, violence and depression
I would be able to see the sun 
The nascent, newly-born…. 

100 responses to “We Have Seen Enough….!

  1. Hope is the thing with feathers…
    I really like the theme and the structure of the poem. I like how the first stanza tapers into a conclusion, and how the one that follows expands towards the end with the nascent, newly born…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your positive nature is wonderful to read! I agree with what you’ve written, and unfortunately, there will always be death and tragedy. Despair is something else, though, that doesn’t need to ever be embraced. In all things, there are new beginnings. Succinctly said with an eloquence you mastered so well.

    Happy 2017, Mani! 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  3. With all the hope and good wishes (Happy New Year by the way), it is good to take some time to think of all things that the world has in its power to put right and here is hoping there will be more good in the world this year.


  4. nuestro cuerpo tiene un periodo de vitalidad de caducidad pero igual no nos deja aceptar de que vinimos a este mundo a cumplir un ciclo y cuando partamos tendremos otra misión que cumplir nada es eterno en este mundo todo tiene un principio un final, es mi pensamiento

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love is the one thing that will wipe all away. When you love all is right in your world and you see things differently. Death is only a status of our bones on earth. I know it is hard but we should be pleased when one departs. I guess this depends on your society’s value. Be well.

    Liked by 1 person

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