57 responses to “Seasonal

  1. Your poem about the branches being parts of wooden skeletons waa so intriguing. I have written a rough draft called “Bare Bones,” with tree branches in it, Maniparna. I may have to give your post a “shout out” or someone may have thought I copied your idea. 🙂 ♡ It won’t be for awhile, though.


  2. I love this post. I am not a fan of winter and I can understand your sentiments here. Nice poem. Hopefully this year winter won’t get too cold for you. If so, rug up and have a nice cup of hot chocolate 😀


  3. Maniparna, just beautiful!!! Great post, my friend!! To my amazement I have been finding absolute beauty in the bareness. At first it was such a shock because we had such a vibrant and long Fall. But now a quiet has fallen on my Soul and in that quiet, Mother is again giving me Gifts beyond belief! I am falling in LOVE with Winter, with bareness. If Mother can bare Herself without shame, then so can we! What an example She sets! I’ve adjusted my additude and now look in anticipation to the first snow fall! I am working on a post that will show muliple shots (I wish I could do more, believe me!) of what Mother has begun to show me. The LIGHT is just so soft and magical!!! For the first time in my Life I am feeling good about this time of year!! Oh for the JOY!!!! ❤


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