68 responses to “Haiku: End of Summer

  1. Maniparna , You always write a beautiful Haayku with meaningful words . Here in this haayku I first read it as “festival” but again read without “f” . what a rare word”estival” you choose. – estival winds .great selection of words !!


  2. Very beautiful haiku! Even I was fooled by the word Estival. I thought it’s a typo, then decided to google it. Surprise, surprise! 😀

    God knows from where you dug out the word! But, it gave a character to the haiku. Made it more beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I thought that you kept “F” as an image and I had to wait. I waited and waited and nothing came up and I checked the internet, but it was fine. Then I checked the dictionary for the word without “F” 😛
    I take this wonderful opportunity to thank the Vampire Elders for extending my immortality. Otherwise, I would have been dead waiting for the “F” to appear 😀 😀
    Btw, you should be called the Haiku Queen of Queens 😉

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  4. This summer has actually been quite enjoyable and your words are the perfect close, I wish I could hire you to write the closing words for each of the good chapters of my life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like this image of a flower fading and I have the idea if festivals passing by and sad that there will be no more for awhile. The flower reminds me of a dahlia I have on my cell phone photos. My oldest daughter had white dahlias with maroon tips on the petals. She gave me two blossoms in a Lea and Perrin Worcester sauce bottle. They complimented my Autumn display I set out on my tables and shelves. I have a “tub” full for each season, Mani. ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww.. I; m trying to imagine those great autumn blossoms…what a joy it must be..:-)
      You are so right to say that when a festival ends it makes us sad …we wait eagerly for the next one…:-)

      Thank you so much for such a lovely comment… ❤


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