111 responses to “Haiku: Life

  1. Thought provoking, you must be active and not stagnant if you want to execute your aims. Good job dear 🙂


  2. I’m really enjoying the discussion this post is responsible for. I love that phrase – benign indifference of the universe – although I don’t believe the universe is indifferent, mostly. When gripped by that existential fear I focus on other philosophies. I also don’t think it’s necessary to be driven by purpose constantly. This boat of yours is resting on the ever moving stream, before it sets out again on it’s journey.

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    • I’ve also enjoyed greatly the discussion here produced by the post, Kalpanaa. So many interpretations from friends and readers….it’s nice to know how people look at the picture from so many POVs. Thanks so much for your wonderful thoughts….on the theory of benign indifference, I want to look at it as just another ideal theory… 🙂


  3. That is how it feels like most of the time..aimless life drifting with the flow of events (providence). But looking back when we connect the dots it , then it appears that maybe be things happened for a purpose, Analogy with stagnant both in a moving river is brilliant Maniparna.
    Have a nice weekend.


  4. “Life is Growth”, and stagnation is an enemy to life…what a lovely analogy, many times in life we are stuck and the world around us moves on and we are left behind in the race….very much the moving water and sometimes we represent this stagnate boat…
    Such a profound thought to start the day, thank you so much. You have a peaceful and blissful weekend…

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