Kid’s Talk

1-man 001
Today’s kids are smarter than the smartphones. They answer everything at the drop of a hat. And, even when they are not, they easily bypass those unpleasant situations in a way that could make you feel stupid. My 7-year-old niece is here in Kolkata to spend her summer holidays. Summer this year is making Kolkatans feel like living right in a scalding cauldron. With not a speck of nimbus cloud in the dazzling blue sky, the humidity is utterly uncomfortable.
But the little soul is caring a fig for the heat and romping all around like a butterfly. Her energy source is insatiable, she keeps on blabbering continuously and makes you listen to her. Not only that, she asks critical questions after finishing her lecture on why one should stay at home instead of going to the office. She even expressed her desire to meet my boss so that she could make him understand the significance of her presence in the city and, let him grant a summer vacation for me! And, then came the final blow; “who is your boss? Akshay Kumar?” (picking from the film ‘Boss’) Oh! How I wish he were my boss! She did hit right on the wound!
However, yesterday evening I wanted to make her sit at a place and, therefore, tried to engage her with some trivial, funny, questions or you can say, kid’s riddles. After some time, my parental identity took a step forward pushing me to teach her something useful, simple mental sums.
The conversation that followed: 
Me: Hey, do you like mangoes?
She: (looking at me quizzically) Yes….
Me: (with sheer pleasure) Really? Me too! Same pinch.
She: (giggled)
Me: Achcha, tell me, you have five mangoes, you give two of them to your best  friend. How many mangoes do you have now?
She: (a quick glance expressing that she sensed my intention) Ummmm…are those ripe mangoes?
Me: Yes, ripe and sweet.
She: Like those you brought the other day?
Me: Yes, you liked them, na?
She: Hmm…. but I like litchis more.
Me: (a bit impatiently) Okay, I will bring litchis for you tomorrow. Now tell me…
She: (with an angelic smile) What?
Me: How many mangoes…?
She: Oh! I want to eat them all. Papa says fruits are good for us.
(after a pause in a serious tone) ma’am said you should concentrate on what you are doing and, I’m playing now.
Me: (simply off my rocker) !!!! 

59 responses to “Kid’s Talk

  1. First – you are working, managing home, family and this blog – kudos!

    Please share some time management lessons with me. You and Rachna amaze me.

    You are right, this generation is super fast and confident. They can escape any situation. I feel they are born street smart.


  2. Kids are so spontaneous in their responses unlike adults! That’s because their minds are free of clutter and hang-ups. We can learn so much from the little ones 🙂
    Thanks for this lovely post Maniparna.


  3. “Today’s kids are smarter than the smartphones. They answer everything at the drop of a hat. And, even when they are not, they easily bypass those unpleasant situations in a way that could make you feel stupid”. ~

    Well I think that’s an eloquent introduction, indeed.
    The conversation is purely intelligent… You should be proud of your little one 😀 Have a wonderful weekend. Best wishes. Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh how I loved this conversation….:D….I can imagine you waiting for the answer to come…..can picture myself sitting in your place and talking to my son or niece….. the best part was the last punch line….:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There is nothing more wonderfully frustrating than nieces and nephews who can boast an analytical mind, boundless energy along with being the youngest master manipulator you have ever known.
    As the Aunt, you do not know whether to be proud or aghast at their expertise in manipulation. Children are incredibly smart with educational stimuli being introduced at younger ages and with more intensity. There were things that my niece and nephews spouted that took me aback with their clever deduction. Amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

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