Haiku: Mother

Jamini Roy Painting- Mother and Child

Jamini Roy Painting- Mother and Child

her strokes on my cheeks

empowering me always

maa*, my home and heart

maa*: mother

Shared with Carpe Diem haiku Kai, celebrating May 2015 as the month of Master Basho’s poetic journey.

1-Carpe Diem Logo May 2015

51 responses to “Haiku: Mother

  1. Maa is a powerful three letter word especially in India. Hope you have seen the dialog from Deewar movie… the maa one 😀

    Well written 🙂 Short yet sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the layers of meaning you have captured in a few short lines here. Your haiku made me stop, think and refocus my attention on mother earth. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. To think of maa as ‘home’ is amazing – a perspective I haven’t thought much about, I admit, but if I do, I find it so apt. Maa: a place of refuge where you can go hide when you want, and the home you turn to when you’re tired, sad or weary. ❤ A beautiful ode to mothers.

    Liked by 1 person

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