Book Review: Incantation Paradox By Annamaria Bazzi

incantationparadox-smallSince the time when Hogwarts became more famous than Harvard’s, novelists began to find the genre of magic,fantasy and spell most intriguing. The tradition continues pouring in volumes of stories that deal with two worlds, the magical and the real, running parallely making the nitty-gritty aspects of life all the more incomprehensible for muggles or non-magical people.

Annamaria Bazzi’s  Incantation Paradox  is the newest addition to the trend. As the name suggests, the plot moves around some incidents which though seem contradictory at the beginning but finally get twisted by magic and appear real. Dolores Reynard, a middle-aged lady and mother of two adolescent girls, meets with a car accident while returning from her workplace one evening. Immediately after the accident, unconsciousness drives her life-force to darkness and she wakes up in an unknown ambiance where she is addressed as Mona. It comes as an utter shock to her to find her ‘essence’ or soul or life-spirit captivated in some other’s body. She could well remember her past life, her daughters. Living with the body of the teenager, Mona, she soon discovers herself in the midst of a mysterious,magical cobweb. The revelation that Mona didn’t die accidentally, it was a cold-blooded murder by Eric, Dr.Jason Richmond’s son, made the things too much complicated and painful for Dolores.She tries her best to evade the evil cast of Eric and finds in Jason an ally and friend. Will she be able to survive the wicked intentions of Eric ?Will she ever can become Dolores again ? Or will become a prey in the hands of magic and destiny and time ?

The story has it’s own pace and that is quite fast. So fast that sometimes it becomes fuzzy. Though I like the way the story progresses but it really becomes too simple, too easy for things to happen. Even in magical mystery gullibility is the key-word. The absence of that has made the plot somewhat flaccid.

As it is a fast-paced story so there is not much space to build up even the pivotal characters. The characters grow with the plot itself and only those shades of their nature are revealed which are in tune with the story. Still, I like the characters of Jason and Richard above others. There is a conversation between Dolores and Jason when the latter asks the former about her idea of an ideal man. Couldn’t resist myself to quote Dolores as she echoes the concept of dream-lover for all women :

“ The man must have the power of reason, not like my ex, who resorts to screaming if things don’t go the way he wants them or pushing sex, thinking it will solve all problems. I need someone with good communication skills because only through talking can you build a solid relationship. The man must understand marriage is an equal partnership and get his hands dirty around the house. As I get involved in the things he likes to do, he should reciprocate, showing interest in my hobbies.”

The book, however, is a good one time read while you’re travelling having less time to get seriously involved with any story. The young-adult readers may find it interesting and enjoyable as a suspense/magical-mystery with a tinge of romance.

From my side it’s 3/5 .

annamaria authorAbout The Author Although born in the United States, Annamaria Bazzi spent a great deal of her childhood in Sicily, Italy, in a town called Sciacca. Italian was the language spoken at home. Therefore, she had no problems when she found herself growing up in a strange country. Upon returning to the states, she promised herself she would speak without an accent. She attended Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Computers with a minor in Spanish.

Annamaria spent twenty years programming systems for large corporations, creating innovative solution, and addressing customer problems. During those years, she raised four daughters and one husband. Annamaria lives in Richmond Virginia with her small family where she now dedicates a good part of her day writing.

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33 responses to “Book Review: Incantation Paradox By Annamaria Bazzi

  1. Ouuuuh! What relief!! My net is functioning again and I am feeling immensely normal now. Was missing your blog. Now am back and shall browse through all your recent activities one by one. Hope you are doing well. Reading your book review I realized I haven’t had time to finish all my half read novels. Shall start soon… revoire


  2. I can’t say about this book until I read it, if I read it, but there is no doubt there are a number of books being written in the fantasy genre after the success of Harry Potter. Moreover, authors are starting to write series rather than stand alone books, another trend that is popular now. Nevertheless, thanks for the review.


  3. Yeah Hogwarts is definitely more famous than Harvard! But that’s exactly what spoiled every fantasy book for me. I end up comparing everything to HP!! I just feel it isn’t fair on my part (as a reader) but I can’t help it!
    This one (your review of it, rather) vaguely reminded me of RL Stine’s Cataluna Chronicles.


  4. The review is written so well, i almost decide on buying all the books you review. The quote now makes it a must read too. Waiting for Indian authors too to join this genre. Very well written Maniparna.


  5. The opening lines are great Maniparna… adn thanks for an honest and in-depth review .Hmm it seems okay but the title is interesting … may be a may be book for me 🙂


  6. Need to get this one someday – seems to work for me in multiple ways 🙂
    Lovely take there! 🙂
    “Hogwarts became more famous than Harvard’s” – nice usage 😀


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