Book Review : Adhuri Prem Kahaniya ( Incomplete Love Stories)

1-001Adhuri Prem Kahaniya by Santosh Avvannavar is a pleasant read over the weekend  or while on wheels or flying. There are twenty-five short stories which have been developed keeping the perspective of twelve young individuals. The stories are told in a piquant way and one would definitely enjoy the style. Almost all the stories develop from the moment the protagonists fall in love for the first time with their respective dream girls. Everyone has a different tale to tell which  occasionally throw glances  in our social system ,caste, creed and our thoughts regarding religion. But all these social aspects never put a hindrance in the smooth flow of the narration. Even takes on deep insights and philosophies of life have been delineated in a light manner and thus never encumbers or gives the reader a feeling of being  ‘preached’. The word ‘adhuri’ has been used aptly as the stories don’t have a definite stereotyped ending and it seems that the persons involved in the stories have much more to say and feel. The name of the chapters are also quite interesting and I personally liked the last one based on ” The Nature Of Man” by William Meckling and Michael Jensen . The story I liked most is the seventh one ” Umbrella : Colours of Life” .

Pros : The stories are delightful and touch various aspects of life, be it family,friends,education,job,society and above all , LOVE.  Analogies have been made with different popular Hindi films regarding different situations which would make you smile. Young readers can easily relate themselves with the stories . ( I really became nostalgic remembering those Orkut days).

Cons : All the stories are told form the point of view of  boys. Sometimes it seems that all the girls are by nature frivolous and the only objective of their lives is to break hearts !

I would like to request all to give the book a try.  Looking forward to read more from the author.

From my side it’s  3/5 ***

I got  a signed copy of the book from the author himself  and I’m really thankful to him for that . This review is by all means honest and contains my personal opinion about the book.

About The Author

Santosh Avvannavar started his career as a consultant and Soft Skills Trainer. He did his college education from NITK, Surathkal. He functioned as a scientist at University of Eindhoven, College of Twente and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He was also the Placement President, while he was working at Iisc, Bangalore. He has over 25 publications of mostly research documents thathave found their place in National & International Journals. Also, he has done 16 conference papers and regularly functions as a writer of different articles for a national and worldwide daily paper. He is an advisor for different organizations. Throughout his personal time he composes his thoughts in a website, namely and ventures into fiction quite rarely. He tended to, prepared and conveyed seminars to more than 30,000 people in India and abroad over the span of 6 years.

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11 responses to “Book Review : Adhuri Prem Kahaniya ( Incomplete Love Stories)

  1. Pingback: Book Review: Black, Grey & White By S Avvannavar and S I Biradar | Scattered Thoughts·

  2. Pingback: Two Books : One Common Author | Scattered Thoughts·


  4. Pingback: Book Review : Adhuri Prem Kahaniya ( Incomplete Love Stories) | Amrita Foundation for HRD·

  5. Thanks a lot for this review maniparna, have to take this really loooong flight in 2 days time, and i’m surely going to pick this book as a companion.


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